First Date

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This is an appropriate topic to begin with I believe 😂

You guys go on a walk
He asks you a lot of questions
He just stared at you when you talk
He tried not to make it all about him
You guys go to a cafe and get hot coffee because it's winter my dudes
He touches your hand a lot in the cafe
He's sad when you have to go home
He drops you off at your house

You guys go see a scary movie
He kind of ruins it because he talks the whole time (of course he does)
You don't mind though
He pays for your ticket and popcorn
He tries a lot of pick up lines 😂
He doesn't drop you off at home, he just says bye and goes back to his house after

You guys go to his favourite fast food place
You don't really want to
He buys the food and you guys share fries
You don't eat that much because you're nervous
You end up spilling your soda all over the table
Wyatt doesn't know what to do so you guys tell the manager and leave
He tells a lot of jokes
He doesn't drop you off at home because you live too far away (Oh boi)

You guys see a movie
It's not scary it's more of an action one
He asks if you're enjoying the movie and you really aren't
Neither is he so you guys leave
It's snowy outside so you guys have a snowball fight in the park
It's cold so you decide to go home
He drops you off and says he'll call you later
He hugs you goodbye (what a man)

You guys would go to her house
She would give you a tour of her house
You guys would try and watch tv but there wouldn't be anything interesting on
You guys would just talk and laugh
You would try and make lunch but fail and order Chinese food
You guys live close to each other so she walks you home and hugs you goodbye

A/N - I'm not sure if this is good or not but lmao who cares? 😂 //Anyways, hope you enjoyed this, I'll be updating very regularly my loves. Xo - Charlotte ❤️

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