Long distance relationship

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- makes it work
- FaceTimes you all the time
- he sends you things like hoodies etc
- he comes and visits you lots

- ughh you 2 r bad a communicating
- it doesn't really work
- he meets someone near where he lives
- he tries but nope

- Ofc he makes it work
- calls you every day
- plans trips to visit you

- you guys are so in love so of course you make it work
- you call each other and FaceTime all the time 
- you send each other memes all day long every day
- you plan trips to visit each other

- he wants it to work
- he really does
- but he's so busy and it doesn't work
- y'all are still friends though

- y'all text each other for hours each day 
- you go and visit her lots
- she surprises you on your birthday

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