You're sick

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He comes over to your house and makes you sit on the couch
He makes sure you're comfy with lots of pillows and blankets
He makes you soup and tea
He gets his guitar and stars singing softly
You guys cuddle on the couch
He kisses your forehead and checks your temperature
He makes sure that you're doing alright
He kisses you on the forehead a lot
He stays with you until you fall asleep and stays with you the whole time you're sleeping
He hugs you before he has to go and wishes you well
He calls and texts you right when he gets home to make sure you're doing okay
He wants to come back to your house to see you

He brings you a giant teddy bear and chocolates
He makes you whatever food you want
You guys lie on the better together and eat food
He cuddles with you and kisses you on the lips even though you're sick
He talks to you and distracts your from being sick
He tells you so many jokes to cheer you up
He sleeps over because he doesn't want you to be alone the whole time you're sick
He ends up getting sick though :(

At first he doesn't come over because he doesn't want to get sick
He sends you sooooo many memes to cheer you up
He calls you to make sure you're okay
He can't stand not seeing you so he comes over even though he could get sick  😉
He holds your hand and you guys cuddle on the couch
He tucks you into a lot of blankets before he leaves
He stays up all night sending you memes to make sure you're not bored
(What a guy 😂)

He comes over with a bunch of blankets
You guys lay on the bed and watch movies
He brings you food (lmao all I want in life)
He talks so you don't get bored
He makes sure you're comfortable
He ends up staying the night
He watches you sleep and giggles when you talk in your sleep
He holds your hand while you sleep and kisses your forehead every now and then
He smiles a whole bunch

She comes over with a bunch of cookies and snacks
You guys watch movies he whole time
She checks your temperature every now and then
She keeps asking if you're okay and if you need anything
You guys need up both falling asleep while watching movies
She smiles at you when she wakes up because you're still asleep

A/N- Alright so I am not clueless and yes I know about the Talia and Jack drama. I don't support what jack did in any way and I am waiting for an apology. I am including him in here because i still support him as an actor and don't really want to change this now. Btw yesterday was Valentine's Day and guess what?... yeah, I was a single Pringle again.
:( That's okay tho because I ate tons of chocolate ;)
Xo- Charlotte ❤️

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