Their recation to you having braces

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I have had braces for 11 months and yesterday I had to start wearing elastics. My teeth are in soooo much pain right now!

He just smiles at you and keeps telling you how cute you look in them.
He kisses you a lot.
He likes how they feel on his lips lmao
He just smiles at you whenever you talk
He asks to touch them and you let him
You don't really like your braces that much so he keeps telling you how beautiful you are.
He kisses you again.

He laughs at you at first
But then he tells your that they're cute
He touches them
Then he laughs at them again but he's not being mean about it
He's just teasing you
He tried you make out with you but your teeth are so sore so he has to be gentle which he doesn't like
He kisses you a lot and keeps telling you that they're cute

He doesn't really care weather you have them or not
He kisses you though
And touched your braces
He tells you that you should have gotten a different colour
Which makes you mad
Then he said he's joking but you're still mad
He starts sending a bunch of memes and you can't help but smile again
He says their cute and not to worry about them

He tells you to show him
He says that you picked a good colour
He kisses your cheek
He doesn't touch them
He gives you pain meds because they're giving you a headache
He makes you soup because then you don't have to chew
He tells you that they suit you and kisses you

She would tell you that they suit you
She would help you style your clothes to match them
She would do your makeup to make them blend in more idkkk
She would touch them a lot lmaoo

A/N - Well I have braces and my teeth are in sooo much pain I feel like I'm dying. I just got them tightened and started wearing elastics yesterday. That's why
Xo- Charlottte ❤️

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