Erik POV

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I watched as Apocalypse spoke with Charles mentally. I had been speaking with my old friend when Apocalypse sensed Charles's mind.

"Always the same," he said, "and now all this. No more stones. No more spears. No more slings. No more swords. No more weapons. No more systems. No more, no more super powers. So much faith in their tombs and their machines. You can fire your arrows from the Tower of Babel, but you can never strike God!"

I watched him along with Storm, Angel, and Psylocke. When Apocalypse stopped, he looked at us.

"Let's go," he said.

We huddled together as he summoned a portal. It surrounded us and when it opened again, we were standing in the mansion. I stared at my old friends with a blank expression.

Raven. Hank. Alex. Moira. Charles. (y/n).

All the people who I had fought alongside years before in Cuba.

"Erik," Raven breathed.

(y/n) simply stared at me in shock from her spot kneeling beside Charles. Apocalypse glanced at me. I raised my hand and pulled Charles's wheelchair towards us. The chair raised off the ground and floated towards us.

"Charles!" (y/n) and Raven cried.

The both started after him. I noticed Apocalypse's eyes widen slightly. He looked at me.

"Bring the dark-haired one as well," he instructed.

I nodded and pulled metal off the wall. It wrapped around (y/n) and she flew towards us.

"(y/n)!" the group shouted.

(y/n) struggled to get free from the metal around her. Alex started to run towards us. When (y/n) landed amongst us, she sent me a glare before looking at Charles, concerned.

"Hey!" Alex shouted.

"All will be revealed, my child," Apocalypse said.

"Alex, don't!" (y/n) shouted.

"Stop!" Hank called to him.

Apocalypse's portal closed around us, whisking us away as Alex fired one of his blasts. The portal reopened and we found ourselves outside of Cairo. (y/n)'s eyes were wide in shock, horror written on her face.

"No," she muttered. "Ohmygosh."

Tears started to fill her eyes and she turned her head away, her hair hiding her face. I felt slightly guilty about what had just happened, but I shook it off. I loosened the metal around her slightly, enough for her to move but not enough to escape.

Apocalypse ordered us to get Charles out of his seat. Psylocke stepped forward, along with Angel.

"Don't you dare," (y/n) hissed, glaring through her hair. "Don't touch him."

"You are in no position to be threatening us," Angel snapped. "So I suggest you shut it."

"Angel. That's enough." He nodded his head slightly to Apocalypse in apology. The mutant walked towards (y/n), kneeling in front of her. "What is he to you?" he asked.

"He's my brother," she replied sharply. "I'll die before I see you touch him."

Apocalypse simply nodded before standing. He looked at me.

"Release her."

"What?" Psylocke questioned, obviously stunned. "You're letting her go? Then why did we take her?!"

"I am not letting her go. I am simply letting her remove her brother from his chair."

He nodded to me and I released (y/n). She ran to Charles's side. She grabbed his arm and wrapped her other arm around him. I watched as she slowly lifted him from his chair and set him on the ground. I lifted the wheelchair away and crushed it. (y/n) sent me glare before looking back at her unconscious brother.

"Charles," she whispered. "Come on, Charles, wake up. Please."

I looked at the ground. Years ago, I had fought alongside (y/n) and Charles, and our friends, in Cuba. Years later, I went to Paris with them to stop Raven from killing Bolivar Trask and stop a war from happening in the future. When we first met, we had been close. We trained together, working with Charles to control our powers, although (y/n) helped me more since her powers were somewhat similar to mine.

(y/n) had the power to control light, using it to make weapons, mainly daggers. She looked a lot like Charles, minus the eyes. While Charles had blue eyes, (y/n)'s irises were white and the rest of her eyes were black. In all honesty, I had grown slightly fond of her through our time together.

I glanced back up at her. She placed her hands on Charles's temples and shut her eyes.

"Please," she said even quieter. "Please, Charles.

Erik (X-men) x reader | Charles's sisterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant