Jean POV

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I stood in the infirmary, looking over reports. Erik and I had rebuilt the mansion almost a month ago. Not long after, Mystique and Hank started training us to be X-men. Charles and Erik spent a lot of time catching up with one another. Peter's leg was getting better. He had gotten his cast off a few days after the mansion was rebuilt.

Hank and I spent a good portion of our time in the infirmary, checking on (y/n). She was alive, we knew that for sure. We weren't sure when she would wake up, however. Charles was down here at least once a day to check on her, along with Erik.

Right now, Hank was teaching a class so I was in charge of watching over (y/n). I flipped through a few files when I suddenly felt a stronger presence behind me. I turned around and walked towards (y/n). Her vitals were getting stronger. I could feel her mind stirring and trying to wake up. I gently placed my fingers to her temple and reached inside her mind.

"(y/n)?" I said.


"I'm here, (y/n). It's alright."

"How long have I been out?"

"Almost a month."

"Is everyone alright?"

"Everyone's fine. Apocalypse is gone."

"Jean, can you help me? I've been trying to wake up, but I can't."

"I'll help you, (y/n)."

I managed to find her consciousness and help pull her out of her coma. When I opened my eyes, I met (y/n)'s white and black eyes. I smiled down at her.

"Thank you, Jean," she said, her voice sounding rough.

"You're welcome, (y/n). Do you want me to contact the professor and Erik?"

"He's still here?"

"He wouldn't leave until he knew you were alright."

She smiled slightly.

"Let's wait for now," she suggested with a smirk. "I always did enjoy surprising my brother."

I chuckled and helped (y/n) sit up. I quickly checked her over to make sure she was alright. While I worked, I brought her up to date on everything she had missed. Once I was sure she was alright, I handed her a set of clothes that had been brought down from her room for when she woke up. She went into the bathroom to change. I telepathically contacted Hank to let him know (y/n) was awake, but not to tell Charles or Erik. Once I broke contact with him, (y/n) emerged from the bathroom looking refreshed.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Oh yeah."

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