(y/n) POV

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I followed Apocalypse and Angel, who was carrying Charles, into the pyramid. Psylocke and Storm had stayed outside to keep guard while Erik pulled practically every piece of metal on earth to him. Seeing him start the destruction broke my heart. I hated seeing him like this. I thought he would have changed after DC, but after his family died, he went back to his crazy ways. I couldn't understand it. Then again, he has been through so much more than I have.

Soon, we came to a large open room. There were multiple statues around it. One of Apocalypse on a throne and one of each of his 'minions'. I shuddered when I saw the statue of Erik. Angel placed my brother on a stone table and stepped back towards me.

"You're just another false god," Charles said, fear in his voice, "and whoever's left to follow you when this is all over, they will betray you again."

Apocalypse forced him down on the table. With a wave of his hand, restraints appeared around Charles's wrists. I tried to run towards him, but Angel stopped me by holding out his wing.

"You're wrong, Charles," he said. "For the first time in a thousand lifetimes, I have you. For all my gifts, I have yet to possess the one I needed most." I could see Charles breathing heavily. "To be everywhere. To be, everyone."

"You're a psychopath," I snapped.

I created a light dagger and threw it towards Apocalypse. It landed in his arm. He gasped, but ripped it out, the wound healing quickly. He made a small motion with his head to Angel. The winged mutant grabbed my arm and forced me towards the statue of Apocalypse. I struggled against him, but he held a tight grip.

"Let me go!" I shouted.

Angel did let go of my arm, but only to punch me in the face, knocking me down. I heard Charles call out to me. I snarled at Angel and was about to lunge at him when restraints appeared around me. I struggled against them as Apocalypse knelt in front of me.

"Do not try to escape," he said. "It will only make this more difficult than it needs to be."

"You're not getting anything from me," I snarled. "I don't know how to activate your stupid pyramid, and if I did, I wouldn't help you."

I glanced at Charles and saw him staring at me. I realized how much I needed him. He was my biggest supporter and my first friend. He had always stuck by me. And we needed each other now more than ever.

"I will show you how to activate the pyramid," Apocalypse said, standing. He looked at Angel. "Go. Join the others. Protect me until the transference is complete."

Angel nodded and flew away. Apocalypse laid down on the second table. He raised his hand in my direction. A golden figure above us suddenly moved upwards, making my heart beat faster. I felt power burn through me, making me cry out in pain. The pyramid suddenly lit up a gold color. The color flowed towards the two tables.

"(y/n)!" Charles shouted. "Shut it down! You have to stop it!"

"I can't!" I replied, struggling. "He's overriding my control, Charles!" I looked up at him, tears in my eyes. "I am so sorry."

I cried out in pain again, shutting my eyes tight. I tried my hardest to stop my powers, but I had no such luck. I suddenly heard a thumping and Charles shouting.

"Get out!" he said. "Get out, get out!"

I suddenly felt a presence close to us. I searched for the mind and found Kurt.

"Kurt!" I said telepathically. "We're here! I'll guide you to where Charles is! You have to get him out of here!"

I did my best to guide him and opened my eyes when I felt him closer. I would have laughed if I hadn't been in so much pain. Kurt grabbed hold of Charles. He glanced at me from over his shoulder.

"Go!" I shouted. "Don't worry about me!"

Kurt nodded and disappeared with Charles. I smiled. Apocalypse suddenly woke up with a cough. He took several deep breaths before looking at the table where Charles had been. When he realized he was gone, he shot up and screamed in frustration.

"You really thought you would get him?" I asked. "We're smarter than that."

He glared at me. I quickly formed light daggered and sliced through my restraints. I got to my feet and started throwing daggers at Apocalypse. The daggers struck him in the chest, arms, and legs. He would react slightly every time, but he kept moving towards me.

Eventually, I switched to beams of light. Apocalypse kept coming. I kept shooting beams at him, trying to keep him away. Soon, he reached me and grabbed my arm.

"You will fall," he said to me.

"Well if I do, at least I'll be going down fighting."

I went to punch him in the face, but he grabbed that arm as well. He suddenly headbutted me and released my arms. I stumbled back with a massive headache. Shaking my head, I sent more beams of light his way. Apocalypse created a forcefield so they bounced off. He walked towards me until he stood right in front of me. He wrapped his hand around my throat. I gasped, trying to escape his iron like grip.

He threw me across the room. I hit one of the statues and heard a sickening crack. When I landed on the ground, I winced in pain and realized that I had just broken something. I struggled to get up as Apocalypse came towards me. He grabbed my ankle and threw me again, this time hit one of the tables. I heard another crack and when I landed, there was another. I groaned in pain. My eyesight was getting fuzzy and I couldn't concentrate.

Before the world went black, I saw a purple glow.

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