Erik POV

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I watched as the plane that Raven and Peter had arrived on crashed to the ground. The two looked on, horrified.

"Charles," Raven said. I felt pain in my chest, realizing that my friend could have been in that ship. Raven looked at me. "I'm going to go fight for what I have left. Are you?"

Peter put his hand on her neck and they disappeared. I thought back to when I first met Charles.

"There's so much more to you than you know," Charles had said. "Not just pain and anger. There's good, too, I felt it. It's not just me you're walking away from. Here, you have the chance to be apart of something much bigger than yourself. It needs you, Erik."

I thought of when I would train with (y/n) and how she never gave up on me.

"You can do it, Erik," I could hear her say. "You don't need pain or anger to fuel your powers. You need peace. We're here for you, Erik. Remember that."

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I looked back towards where Raven and Peter had just gone off to. I tried to ignore what I was feeling and continue my work. Suddenly, I heard a scream of pain. Looking back, I saw Peter on the ground, screaming in pain. Apocalypse had just broken his leg. I felt slight anger boil in me when I saw the boy on the ground.

Next thing I know, Raven was in Apocalypse's grasp, his hand around her neck. She was gasping for breath. Apocalypse was strangling her. He called out for Charles to come out of hiding.

A moment later, the wall of a building turned to dust and blew away. Apocalypse started forward. I suddenly knew what I had to do. I sent two large beams forwards and blocked his path. He slowly turned to look up at me.

"You betray me," he said.

"No," I replied. "I betrayed them."

I used my powers to raise metal all around the destroyed city and throw it at Apocalypse. A shield formed around him, preventing me from actually hitting him. But that didn't stop me. I kept sending more and more metal, attempting to slow him down. Hank and a teenager jumped down to join the fight. Hank ran to Raven and Peter, helping them up. The teen shot a blast similar to Alex's from his eyes.

After getting Raven and Peter to safety, Hank tried to attack Apocalypse. He was thrown away and crashed through a car. The teenager shut his eyes, stopping the blast. Apocalypse pushed him back as well, entrapping him in a wall.

Apocalypse turned back and started towards the building where Charles was. I glanced up when I saw a red-haired girl walk through the air. She raised her hands and fire seemed to engulf her, forming a bird. Apocalypse's armor slowly flew away. Now that he had no amor, I sent several spikes of metal at Apocalypse, impaling him. Hank freed the teen, allowing him to blast Apocalypse again. A portal started to form around him, making me growl in annoyance.

Lightning suddenly struck the portal. I glanced up and saw Storm with her arms raised. Apocalypse's skin burned away, then his muscles and bones, until he was gone. Everyone stopped their attacks and breathed heavily. Storm and I landed on the ground, nodding to one another. We watched as Psylocke got up and walked away.

I made my way to the building, wanting to see Charles. I hurried inside and sighed in relief when I saw him breathing. He was touching Moira's cheek, a small smile on his face.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I should have never taken those from you."

Suddenly, a blue mutant shot up and exclaimed, "hold on!" I jumped slightly when I saw how closely he resembled Azazel. He took several deep breaths and looked around him. "What did I miss?" he asked.

Erik (X-men) x reader | Charles's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now