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Fluff ❤️

You sigh sadly as you stare at the huge man in front of you. Honestly they were irking you since the shoulders were blocking the beautiful view you were used to seeing and if it weren't for the guy sitting right in front of you, that is exactly what you would be gazing at.

Everyday for the last two years the same man everyday would ride the same bus as me. And everyday the same man would have the same pain in his eyes as the last. His eyes.. His beautifully pained eyes.

They look so kind, but always looking as if he was calling out for help. You're pretty good at reading people so it wasn't exactly hard to see. Everyday you'd just stare at his sad figure, and everyday you wouldn't go up to him, no one would. He wasn't mean or anything.

It's just that, no one cares.

But yet he continues to look like a damsel in distress. No, he was too handsome to be called a 'damsel' no, he was a princess. A Pink Princess since you always saw him in baby pink more than any other color.

But suddenly he stopped riding the bus every single say, then he would rarely ride the bus, to the point you never saw him on the bus again.

It saddens you greatly everyday, since you have developed a somewhat crush on the guy. But it did make you happier that when you would see him, he'd been happier than the last time.

And you would gladly trade your happiness for his.

Finally, the big man gets off the train, allowing you to view the outside, the only beautiful view you have anymore.

You clutch your purse tightly as you get on the train once again. And your eyes narrow as a day once again passes that your pink princess wasn't there. It's been two years, and yet you still look over at his usual spot as if he still rides this bus. But he doesn't, he graduated high school, probably in college, continuing his life.

But in his usual place sat a middle schooler who looked terrified as their eyes glanced from person to person.

"Aw, they took my seat." Says a voice that says from behind you. "Dammit I liked that seat."

But you did not react toward the voice since people say that daily. Taking a sip of your coffee you check your watch. 16:45.

You have all day to get home. Calmly a man sits beside your empty spot beside you. Even though he didn't ask, you don't get offended from their rudeness.

Even though there are a bunch of empty seats, this guy next to you just have to sit next to you. But you won't get angry, you're going home anyways. No one will bother you there for the next day or so.

Instead you focus on the same view you had for many years as you plug your music in. The view that your Pink Princess would constantly block with his big ass shoulders.

However since your Pink Princess left for good there was no reason to not view the beautiful outlook of life. So you kept your head turned to the outside. Completely forgetting about the stranger sitting next to you. However yo I do relinquish their warmth on your body.

You felt a tap on your shoulder. You flinch as you pop one of your ear phones out as you turn and now your head at the person. You were anxious to fall asleep before your stop on the train so this stranger speaking to you is a bit upsetting.

"Ne?" You ask quietly. People mistakes this for being shy. You would like to call this 'get the conversation over as quickly as possible while being polite'.

Usually it works.

"Do I know you?" The voice asks, making you snap your head at the person in curiosity. With one look, your whole face went red as you look back down. You feel your heart start beating rapidly and have to it your hands to your redden cheeks that can be seen from miles away.

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