Chapter One

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Virgil was in his room pacing...he was scared, he knew it wouldn't be long before Thomas called for him to talk. Truth was he didn't want to talk to him. The one person he really wanted to talk to was Patton, but after what Deceit had put Patton through, he knew it wouldn't be fair to burden Patton after his ordeal. Thomas and the other sides found out that Deceit had kidnapped Patton and pretended to be him to get Thomas into trouble with his best friend. Thomas needed some answers, but before he got the chance, Virgil ran out on the group just after they got Patton back home safe. Virgil let out a stifled sob, covering his face with his hands. "Virgil!!" came echoing into the room, it wasn't Thomas calling him, "Virgil are you here?!!" the voice was coming closer, Virgil looked across the room and saw Deceit stood there giving him an evil smile. "well...well...well!!...I have to say Virgil I love what you've done to your room!! and you've left the others behind too!! I wonder why?!!" Deceit smirked at him. Virgil looked away from Deceit's glance, sniffling his tears, Virgil knew he had betrayed Thomas and the others before. "You hurt Patton!!" Virgil whimpered, Deceit gives Virgil an evil grin. "Why is he so important to you?!! It's not like he knows what you really are!!, besides you were so much better making Thomas and those goody personalities miserable!!" "I won't let you hurt them again!!" Virgil snapped "They're not your friends Virgil!! They only care about themselves and they're using you to make it look like they care!!" Deceit snapped back. Virgil looked away from Deceit, more tears began to run down this face. "Think about this Virgil, Thomas pretends to care about you because he wants to control you!! Make sure you're under his control!!" "STOP!! Thomas wouldn't do that!!" Virgil yelled, starting to get angry. Deceit smirked back at him "sure Thomas wouldn't!! Thomas is always such a good person, who's always there for you when you need him to be!!" Virgil turned away from Deceit "I don't want to go back to the way I was before, especially now that Thomas and the others are trying to understand and accept me, it's better to be wanted than not at all!!" Deceit frowned at him "then I guess you'll leave me no choice but you trap you here!!" Deceit waved his hand at Virgil, where snakes appeared in front of them, Deceit orders them to bind Virgil up. "No! Stop!" Virgil cries, the snakes tie themselves up around Virgil until he can't move. "Don't struggle Virgil, the snakes will only get tighter the more you move!!, besides with you trapped here, I can finally get Thomas and the others to see you for who you are!!" Deceit's evil grin widened, with another wave of his hand, Deceit cloned him into Virgil. Virgil's face whitened with fear, "Deceit please don't do this!! I don't want to lose them!!" Deceit frowned at him, "Why should I let you be happy with them?!!, when you and me made a better team, they corrupted you, anxiety can never be good, it's not who you are!!" Tears were running down Virgil's face, Deceit smirked, "see you again soon Virgil, you're not gonna have any other friends once I've completed my plan!!" Deceit's evil laugh echoed as he vanished out of Virgil's room, leaving Virgil sobbing in his trap, feeling more terrified of the past he has tried to escape from.

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