Chapter Six

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Deceit's evil plan to destroy Thomas and the sanders sides was almost in his grasp. Now that Thomas was evil as well as all the sanders sides. Deceit knew that if they remained together, they could find a way to break their evil selves. Deceit had to separate them, so Deceit trapped each sanders sides inside individual glass pods. Deceit grinning evilly at the evil sanders sides who each of them were giving him an evil stare in return. "I must say that I must congratulate you all for making my plan so much more easier and enjoyable!! I really couldn't have done it without you all!!" Deceit smirked at them. "You maybe wondering why I've separated you all away from your master!!" The sanders sides looked at each other before Virgil spoke up first, "we could have controlled our master!! we could have made him do great things!!" Deceit sneered at him, "it is true, that you could have done that, but I needed Thomas to be evil on his own, for here's what I didn't tell you, that whenever Thomas does something evil using any of your specific personalities, you all become weaker!!, which will also makes Thomas weaker too!!, BUT!! there's also a catch, if Thomas causes anyone any harm which is fatal, all of you and Thomas will die!!" Deceit looked serious for the first time, the evil sanders looked on in horror as they could feel that Deceit was actually telling them the truth, they also knew that they had to think of a way to communicate with Thomas to try and warn him.

Thomas was sat in his lounge feeling bored, he had trashed his apartment, eaten everything that he had in his kitchen. Thomas grunted to himself as he finally decided that he had enough of being stuck in his apartment, Thomas got up off the couch and grabbed his car keys as he headed out the door. Thomas got into his car and started to drive towards town. Few minutes later he was caught up in a traffic jam, which started to make him feel more frustrated. Thomas got out of his car and walked up to the car that was blocking the road, only to find when he got there he saw it was his ex friend Leo, who had broken down. Leo spotted Thomas staring at him and immediately looked scared, he could see that something wasn't right. Leo got out of his car and walked towards Thomas, who was giving him an evil glare. "Thomas what's happening to you?!!, why do you look different?!!" Thomas snarled at him in response, "I don't know what you're talking about!!, I've never felt better, especially now that we're no longer friends, and I don't have to worry about anything except myself!!" Leo now looking mortified and distraught from Thomas's harsh words, "I don't understand why you don't want to be friends anymore, especially since we've been through so much together!!" Tears were now running down Leo's face, Thomas looked at him with disgust. "Did you actually think I enjoyed any of those times we spent together?!!, the thought of it makes me want to be sick!!, you mean nothing to me!!" Thomas scowled at him. Leo burst into tears, he missed the old Thomas who would never have said anything like this, Leo then heard Thomas laughing at him, mocking him for his crying. Leo knew he wanted to get away, but an abrupt surge of anger kicked in which caused him to punch Thomas in the face with rage. Thomas stepped back after being hit, he checked to see if he was bleeding, before feeling that Leo had broken his nose. Thomas looked at Leo evilly, he knew he couldn't let Leo get away with hitting him, Thomas lunged forwards to attack Leo which caused them to go into the road and get hit by an incoming vehicle.

The evil sanders sides sensed the accident as they were immediately drained of some of their energy, whilst feeling the pain of the traffic accident. They knew that Thomas was seriously hurt, they also sensed the hate Thomas had for Leo which had also made them weaker. The sanders sides knew that there had to be a way to communicate with Thomas, especially now he was hurt, weak and vulnerable. "I think we should try to communicate with Thomas telepathically, plus Deceit won't be able to hear us!!" Logan remarked. The other sanders sides looked at each other and agreed with a nod and a grunt. The sanders sides closed their eyes and tried to search for their master's mind.

Thomas was coming round from the accident, his mind feeling blurry, he saw that he was now lying in a hospital bed, covered in machine wires that was connected to the heart monitor. Thomas sighed and winced in pain, he could feel his broken nose had bruised a lot since being punched in the face, plus he could also see that he must have broken his leg in the car accident as well. Thomas closed his eyes as he tried to go back to sleep, only when he did, he saw the evil sanders sides in his mind, he noticed that they were in pain too. Thomas tried calling out to them, "can you guys hear me?!!", the sanders sides nodded, "yes Thomas we can hear you, we've come to you to help you, as we're all in danger right now!!" Roman spoke first. Thomas's eyes widened, "what danger?!!, how do I know this isn't one of Deceit's tricks!!" Thomas replied sharply. "Thomas!! Deceit has already tricked all of us, he made us evil to destroy us all, he knows the more hate you give out, the weaker we all become, unless you commit a fatal act, only then we all die!!" Logan interrupted Roman's conversation. Thomas looked at them horrified, "what can I do?!!" "You must find Leo!!, we need the both of you together to help save you!!" Patton now interrupting the conversation. "But first Thomas you need to wake up, once you find Leo, only then we can help you!!" Virgil now joining in with the interruption. "You can do this Thomas!!, we believe in you!!" Roman exclaimed, giving Thomas a reassuring smile. The sanders sides faded out of Thomas's sight as he regained consciousness from his sleep. Thomas looked around the room trying to see if he could find a nurse around, he needed to find out what happened to Leo, he knew from the sanders sides that Leo couldn't have died, otherwise Deceit's plan would have killed him and his personalities too. Thomas eventually saw a nurse nearby and he tried to call her, the nurse looked over at him after hearing him call and walked over to him. "Hey there Mr Sanders, it's definitely a good sign to see you awake and alert, are you in any pain?!!" The nurse asked calmly. "I need to know what happened to the other guy that was involved in the accident, I need to know that he's going to be okay!!" Thomas expressed partially concerned. "I'm sorry Mr Sanders, I can't say how he is at the moment, all I know is that he was in a very critical situation when he arrived at the hospital!!" The nurse looked at him sadly. Thomas looked at her alarmed, "is there anyway I could go and see him, I really need to go to him!!" The nurse looked at Thomas concerned. "I wouldn't advice it, you've only just woken up yourself and you need to rest!!" The nurse replied trying to encourage him. Thomas starting to get upset, "please I beg you, I need to get to him, I can rest once I've seen him I promise, but please let me go to him!!" Thomas now had tears in his eyes as he watched the nurse think about the situation. "Okay Mr Sanders, I'll take you to where he is, as long as you promise to get some rest straight afterwards!!" The nurse replied sternly, before grabbing a wheelchair and helped Thomas get off the bed into the chair. Shortly afterwards Thomas was soon at the intensive care ward, where he saw Leo laying in the bed, covered in wires and having an oxygen machine breathing for him. Thomas gasped in horror, he knew that this was his fault. The nurse sat Thomas next to Leo and told him that he only had a few minutes until she had to take him back. Thomas gave her a nod in agreement before looking back at Leo with the look of regret in his eyes, Thomas closed his eyes to try and find the sanders sides again. The sanders sides sensed Thomas was waiting them and immediately returned to his mind. Thomas looked at them distraught, "what do I do?!!, I've become a monster!!" Thomas started sobbing. "Thomas!! We're gonna help you, we need to show you why Leo and everyone you love is truly important to you!!" Patton explained calmly. The sanders sides raised their hands and used their energy to send their essence into Thomas's mind. Thomas could see himself walking down a pathway of cherished memories, he saw one of his mom and dad reading him a bedtime story, a memory of him and his brothers playing together, a memory of the first time he met Leo, the first time he did a theatre show, the first time he sang for a concert, the first time he enjoyed studying chemistry, the first time he made a vine, the first time he reached 1 million subscribers, the first time he met his fans at a convention, the first time he revealed the sanders sides to his audience, all the times his fans sent him so many beautiful messages, videos and art, he saw memories of all the times he hanged out with his friends. As Thomas kept watching the memories he could hear his heart beating, it was getting stronger and louder, in that instant Thomas knew his true self and who he was supposed to be. When the memories ended, Thomas opened his eyes, his evil persona evaporated from within him and instantly changed back to his former self. Thomas looked up at Leo and started sobbing, Thomas took hold of Leo's hands and held it against his face. "I'm so sorry Leo, I never hated you!!, I need you!!, please come back to me!!" Thomas cried into Leo's hand as all could do was hope and wait for Leo to wake up.

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