Chapter Three

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Virgil was slumped on the floor of his room, the snakes that had him tied up had restricted him from moving any further. Virgil was feeling more anxious than ever, especially after he sensed a powerful energy surge and an evil presence happen. Virgil also sensed he was not alone in his room no more, he tried to look around and his body froze when he saw a pair of blood red snake eyes staring at him in the shadows of his room. "Who are you?!! how did you get in here?!! The dark figure stepped out of the shadows that was hiding him, "why Virgil I'm offended that you don't recognise me, we are friends after all!!" Virgil's mouth dropped, expressing his horror. "R...Roman!! what happened to you?!" Tears started to run down Virgil face. Roman chuckled evilly, "I've accepted my dark purpose, no more being creative, wanting to act in silly pathetic plays, sing stupid songs or watch anymore of those dull Disney movies!!" Roman shuddered as he spoke. Virgil then realised what had happened, Roman's true essence had been removed by one of Deceit's magic snakes. "Roman believe me when I say that you need to be creative, because the longer your accepting your dark side, the more it infects Thomas!!" Virgil pleaded, "Thomas can not be evil!!" Tears were now streaming down Virgil's face. Roman looked at him evilly "aww now you've gone and ruined the surprise!!, that's exactly what's gonna happen!! In fact Deceit is just on his way to claim his next victim!!" Roman gave out an evil laugh. Virgil closed his eyes in defeat, he knew it wouldn't be long until Deceit would come back to torture him.
Thomas, Logan and Patton were sat around the dining room table, Thomas had started to feel unwell, but couldn't explain what was wrong. Logan was trying to find a logical way of explaining what could be wrong by using Thomas's laptop to find symptoms. Patton however was trying to persuade Thomas to get some rest. Thomas shook his head, not wanting the fuss, when Patton suggested watching a Disney movie as he knew that helped cheer Thomas up. Thomas pulled a face in disgust, "no thanks I'm not gonna be watching any Disney movies anytime soon!!," Patton and Logan looked at Thomas horrified, "Thomas! You love Disney movies, why don't you wanna watch them anymore!!" Patton expressed sadly. Thomas pulled another face of disgust, "because they're lame and boring!! "Don't let Roman hear you say that!!" Logan muttered sarcastically. Patton clearly looking upset, "well do you want to talk about what you want to do for your next video!!" Thomas looked at Patton blankly, "erm I don't think I'm gonna do anymore videos, I mean I'm sure everyone is getting bored of them anyway, so why waste my time!!, so if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go take a nap" Patton and Logan we're both left speechless, "what's happening Logan?!! This isn't the Thomas we know!!" Logan looked at Patton and sighed, "I don't know Patton, I've never seen Thomas like this, it's like his creativity has just vanished" Logan thought to himself for brief moment "you stay here and keep an eye on Thomas, I'm gonna go look for Roman" Logan stood up from the table with Thomas's laptop in his hands, he placed it on the coffee table before sinking down to the mind place, leaving Patton alone in the dining room.
Deceit sensed Logan was coming, he evilly smiled. "Time to takeover another good side" he thought to himself. Before Logan arrived at the common room Deceit quickly shapeshifted in Roman. When Logan appeared into the common room and saw Roman cleaning up by the dvd cabinet, Deceit/Roman turned round and pretended to jump as if he didn't know Logan was there. "Woah!! Logan!! You could have warned me you were there!!" Logan looked at Roman with a sarcastic smirk on his face. "Sorry Roman I need your help, I think something has happened to Thomas's creativity, because it's like he now hates Disney movies and he doesn't want to make any more videos for his channel!!" Deceit/Roman gave Logan a shocked look, "I..I don't understand how this could have happened!! It's not like I can make that happen!!" Deceit/Roman then gave Logan an evil smile, which confused Logan even more. "I mean it's not like I stole Roman's creativity and turned him evil!!" Deceit shimmered into himself before Logan who was now terrified. "And it's now your turn!!" Deceit waves his hand and a green snake appeared before Logan's face. Say goodbye to your logical essence Logan!!" Deceit waved his hand again ordering the snake to attack Logan, the snake bit into Logan's neck, paralysing him immediately. Deceit watched evilly as the snake drained Logan of his logical essence before glowing green. Logan collapsed to the floor, watching Deceit put the glowing snake into a jar, before watching Logan  whimpering. Deceit smiled evilly, he knelt down next to Logan and placed his hand on top of his head, then with another enchantment, Deceit's eyes glowed and Logan started screaming in pain. Logan's teacher outfit was ripped off his body, his eyes became green snake eyes, Logan was now wearing a bikers leather jacket, ripped black jeans, slashed red shirt and a red bandana. Evil Logan stood up and faced Deceit. "Wow Logan you look like your auditioning for the hells angels, which is so much better than being a smarty pants!!, Deceit smirked evilly. "Why don't you go and join Roman in Virgil's room, I bet Virgil would love to see you too!!" Logan grunted and stomped out of the common room, leaving Deceit once again alone in the common room. "Two down, two more to go until the ultimate downfall occurs!!" Deceit cackled evilly.

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