Chapter Two

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Thomas was sat in his living room with Patton, Logan and Roman, they were talking about what had happened when Deceit was pretending to be Patton. Thomas was looking very pale, his eyes red from crying. Thomas really wanted to give Patton a hug to comfort him, but because he wasn't a personality, he could only watch Roman and Logan comfort him. Thomas was in shock that a part of him was capable of hurting the other sides, plus his best friend was also a victim. Thomas kept looking over to where Virgil would appear, hoping he would come back to help calm him down. Virgil may have been the source of his anxiety, but recently Virgil had been helping him stay calm in overwhelming situations. Tears began to run down Thomas's face, "Thomas, it'll be okay kiddo!!" Patton smiled at him, "Deceit can't get rid of me permanently, no matter how much he tries!!" Patton spoke softly. Thomas sniffled as he rubbed his eyes to stop his tears. "I...I...don't ever want to lose you!!, any of you, that includes Virgil too!!, I just want to know that he's okay as something doesn't feel right!!" Thomas whimpered. Deceit/Virgil appears in front of Thomas and the sides looking nervous , "I'm sorry I ran out on you all, I was just too upset with what happened to you and Patton!!, my fear got too much and I had to get away!!" Deceit/Virgil said shakily. "Virgil it's okay buddy, I know how scary all this was, we also got scared when you left!!" Roman went over to comfort Virgil, Thomas and the other sides gave Virgil a reassuring smile. Roman went to give Virgil a hug. Deceit/Virgil tried to push Roman away before giving into the hug. "I'm still not used to getting hugs just yet!!" Deceit/Virgil said jokingly before turning to Patton. "Patton I didn't wanna burden you to too much of my angsty support, seeing that's all I'm capable of doing!!" Patton frowned at him "now squirt don't you dare put yourself down like that, or I'll physically fight you with pillows!!" Thomas, Roman and Logan started chuckling, Patton was giving Virgil the I'm watching you signal before going over to him and giving him a big squeeze of a hug. Deceit/Virgil sarcastically laughed and tried to get out of Patton grip. "You're squeezing me a bit to much!!" Patton let go and walked back next to Thomas. Deceit/Virgil looked at everyone in the room, he knew what he had to do, but who was gonna be his first side to infect, when he then decided that Roman was gonna be first. "Hey Princey, do you fancy doing a Disney debate again!!" Deceit/Virgil chuckled. Roman looked at him surprised, before giving him a look that told Deceit/Virgil that it was on!!, "bring it on dark knight, I will bring you down, for no one knows Disney better than me!!" Roman and Deceit/Virgil both sank down to the mind palace common room, leaving Thomas, Logan and Patton looked very confused. Roman and Deceit/Virgil arrived in the common room, which was decorated with lots of Disney posters, musical theatre playbills, fan art that was beautifully made from Thomas's fans, Harry Potter style banners that was designed for each sanders sides, a huge bookcase filled with books on every subject, a huge cabinet with every Disney movie, plus any movie or tv show that each side loved, a huge fireplace with huge tv above it. The furniture varied as each corner of the room was set up to each sides preference. In the centre of the room was the couch big enough for all the sides to enjoy watching their favourite movie or tv show. Roman and Deceit/Virgil headed over to the dvd cabinet, that's when Deceit/Virgil decided to strike, whilst Roman had his back turned, Deceit/Virgil's eyes glowed yellow, waving his hand, a red snake appeared. Roman turned around to face Virgil, but before he could do anything, Deceit ordered the snake to attack him. The red snake sprang himself onto Roman's shoulder and biting his fangs into Roman's neck, leaving Roman paralysed, causing him to drop the dvd that he had picked. Deceit appeared before Roman as himself, "oh dear Roman if only you knew what was gonna happen to you and the others!!" Deceit chuckled. "You see, this snake won't kill you, but it will take away your essence, your special skills as it were, for I am stealing your creativity!!" Roman's eyes widened with fear, just before the colour from his face and eyes faded. The snake started to glow red and let go of Roman neck. Roman then slumped to the ground. Deceit grabbed the snake and put it into an empty jar. Deceit looked down at Roman, "this is only just the beginning Roman!!, for without your creativity, it's going have a negative impact on Thomas!!" Deceit chuckled evilly, "plus I can't wait to see your dark side come out!!" Deceit placed his hand on Roman's head, Roman started screaming in pain, he knew he was being turned evil. Roman's prince outfit ripped off his body, his eyes turned blood red and snake like, Roman was now wearing a slashed black shirt, black slashed jeans and a black cape covered in holes, black riding boots and gloves, his hair was long down to his shoulders. Deceit gave Roman an evil smile, "I must say Roman you look like a gothic vampire, I definitely think this suits you better!! "now why don't you go give Virgil a visit, I know he'll love to see the new you!!" Deceit smirked, Roman sank down leaving Deceit alone in the common room smiling evilly.

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