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"Mama!" I yelled. "Papa!" I began to cry. "Anyone! Please, answer me!" I sobbed. "Julian! Sean! Someone, please-"
"Shhh, I've got you."

I woman walked up behind me and gave me a tight hug. I let out a shaky gasp as I fell back into her grip. Tears continued streaming from my eyes as I tried to catch my breath. The woman made me stand up and turn around to face her.

She was a rather small, middle-aged Asian woman, with long, black hair. She cocked her head to the side and gave me a reassuring smile. She dried my eyes and moved my hair away from my face, just like mama does.

"Why are you crying, dear?" she asked.
"I-I fell, and now I-I don't know where I am, and all I want is to find my family, and-"
"Hush, darling," she said. "Slow down and breathe."
"My babies... where are my kids?" I screamed. I collapsed on the floor as I continued yelling.
"Shh... calm down... everything's going to be okay..." the woman cooed.
"Who-Who are you?" I stuttered.
"My name is Yoko," she said. "I'm afraid to tell you, my dear, but you've passed."
"No, that's not true. You're a figment of my imagination!"
"I wish I was," she sighed. "If it makes you feel any better, your children are safe and will be taken care of."
"They are to stay with your parents in France."
"But they can't speak French," I sobbed.
"They will learn, darling."
"Michelle..." I heard a man whispered.

I snapped my head around to reveal John. I wiped my face and pushed my hair out of the way. I pursed my lips and tried not to cry anymore.

"Why are you here?" he asked.
"I fell off the tightrope..." I said as my bottom lip quivered. "You were shot, right?"
"Yeah," he sighed. "Wait... if you're here, then who's with the boys?"
"Mama and papa," I sniffed.
"Hi, John," Yoko said.
"Yoko..." he gasped. "Michelle, this is–"
"I know," I sighed. "Bye, John..."
"No, Michelle, wait."

He grabbed onto my arm and pulled me back. I looked to the ground and let my hair fall in front of my face. He pushed it back and dried my eyes.

"Don't cry..."
"Don't cry?" I scoffed. "I just died! My boys are left without a mother! I was..." I trailed off.
"You were what?"
"I was pregnant, John... I was going to be a mother..."
"Was it... was it mine?" I nodded. "And you didn't tell me‽"
"Why would I? You didn't care about me or the kids!"
"That is bullshit, Michelle, and you know it!"
"Is it?" I cried. "You hit me, ignored Julian, and made me learn a new language for your convenience! So you can go fuck yourself."
"Michelle..." he sighed. "Je t'aime... Depuis la première fois que je t'ai vu. Tu es belle, gentille et une mère merveilleuse. Tu peux dire que tu me détestes tout ce que tu veux, mais je t'aimerai toujours..." (I love you... I have since the first time I saw you. You are beautiful, kind, and a wonderful mother. You can say you hate me all you want, but I will always love you.)
"Vous avez appris le français pour moi?" (You learned French for me?) I teared up.
"Just the one speech, really," he chuckled. "Je t'aime, Madame Lennon."
"I love you too, John... but death is where we part..."
"What... no..."
"I'm sorry, John," I whispered as I walked away.

In a panic, I vanished to a happier place. When I opened my eyes, I was with Julian and Sean. I cracked a smile and ran my hands through their hair. Sean shivered and looked to Julian.

"Did you just get really cold?" Sean pouted.
"Oui," Julian mumbled.
"What do you think it was?"
"Yeah," he smiled. "Really."

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