Chapter Three The Veil secrets

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Harry sighed then continued walking through the Black space, after entering the Veil those voices who were whispering to him lovingly stopped talking, from time to time they would help him, telling him what places he shouldn't go or where he should go. It was confusing to walk through there because he couldn't see well, after all this place is dark, like if it was an eternal night with just a hint of light... He can see his own body like a beacon of light, but the rest?

Nada, nope, nothing.

"So... Is there someone to help me in my way?" he asked awkwardly, even now he isn't accustomed to this high pitched childish voice.

He rolled his eyes when nobody answered and finally decided to walk toward the right, just to be pushed.

"Hey!" he yelled in annoyance.

He doesn't know who or what are those who talk each time but they are problematic!

"Do not go this way" one of the voices said calmly making Harry pout and walk the other way.

After what seemed to be another hour of walking he finally found a door, Harry blinked in confusion because, why the hell was there a door in the middle of nowhere?

His hand moved to the knob and tried to turn it, but because he was so small, he could barely reach it, having to stand on tiptoes, after some seconds he finally got to open it.


He closed his eyes rapidly when his eyes were suddenly attacked by light; it was too strong for him after being all this time in the dark!

When he felt that his eyes stopped hurting he slowly opened them, sometimes blinking the drops of the irritation out before finally, he could see without a problem.

His eyes and mouth opened big in awe at what he saw.

Behind the door there is a giant room, the walls and the floor seemed to be transparent, like crystal. When looking through them, you could see the space, completely black with different starts at millions of distance, what caught his eyes was the planet next to them, it looked a lot like Earth, but he couldn't help but think it was not Earth.

Near that Earth-like there was a giant moon, Harry didn't know why but when he looked at it he could feel the moon was essential and precious but... at the same time, he felt it was holding something dangerous; his heart started beating faster, like a canon on his small ribcage.

Harry starts shaking his head, trying to take his attention away and started looking around the room, it didn't have a lot of things, in the middle of it a big round table surrounded by what seemed to be black clouds – chairs? -, in the middle of the table there was a big ball, it seemed some sort of sun but in black and it didn't hurt his eyes, around the Black sun small balls, were flying and dancing around it.

Harry could think of just one world, and it's beautiful.

He moved his small feet toward the table and stopped when he was next to it, his hand touching the smooth table. When he saw the chair/clouds, he couldn't help but feel the need to sit on it and cuddle, his pupils dilating.

He gave in that childish feeling.

It was really soft and plushy; even the best chair couldn't compare to this. Before he knew it, he started purring.

Harry licked his lips with a frown, he didn't know that Foxes can purr, but well, he doesn't know that much about them.


Harry jumped and turned around in surprise when he heard someone chuckling; he stepped back when he saw a person, a beautiful person. He wasn't sure if they were a man or a woman, silver hair with streaks of black reached their middle back. They seemed powerful, but at the same time, smooth and kind, around their forehead stood a golden tiara.

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