Mikan's Lost trust

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Hey guys this is my first fanfic so please no flames.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gakuen Alice ( T_T). It belongs to Hakusensha.

Chapter 1: The Betrayal

Bring bring br-smash.
I woke up to that annoying noise most people hate. Yeah, you guessed the alarm clock. I walked to the window and saw that it was still dark outside. That's when I remembered that I forgot to set my clock forwards. Yay for once I might actually be early.

Before I go on I guess I should tell you who I am. My name is Mikan Sakura and I'm in the middle school division.

I got dress for hopes that my friends and my crush, Natsume Hyuuga, would already be in the classroom. I quickly took a bath and did my hair. once I finished I grab something to eat and ran through the door into the hallway.

I made it to class early and saw my friends through the door. I was about to go in but I heard my name so I decided to eavesdrop. ( don't know how to spell it ) I slid the door open a bit so I can hear better


Hotaru's P.O.V

"Mikan is a bitch" said Permy " Does she really think that we want to be friends with a one star." "I know, I mean, does she really think we would fall for that stupid trick she does." said Anna and Nonoko at the same time. "She really thinks I'm her friend, I guess she really is a dumbass bitch." I said. " I can't believe I actually liked her when we were in the elementary division. said Ruka with a look of horror on his face. "I can't believe she likes me now. I feel so disgusted .I mean, I think that she's annoying. Why can't she see that?" said Natsume. "Stop talking about Mikan. All she ever did was protect us. Don't you all remember." said Yuu with a sad face.( I'm not big vocabulary )


Mikan's P.O.V

WHAT!!! H-how could they? I thought they were my friends. Well, from what they just said I guess they really weren't my friends. I burst through the door with new found strength. Everbody looked to the door to find me crying and they all gasped. "Stop it Yuu. let them say what they want to say. that just proves how fake and immature they are." I said through my tears.
"How dare you call us immature. you're the only immature one around here." said Permy with a smirk. Uh. That idoit. ( sorry all Permy lovers and the rest I don't actually think they are bad people but it just goes with the story. Once again, I'm sorry. ) " Your immature because you don't have the guts to talk about me to my face but go behind my back and talk about me." I said with anger.

After that Narumi came in and declared that we have free time and left the substitute teacher to do all the work. *pssh-pssh* Mikan Sakura please come to the office. I repeat Mikan Sakura please come to the office.


Thanks everyone for reading. I will be updating tomorrow. once again thanks for giving my story a try.

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