Chapter 5: Those Damn Waves

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Your P.O.V
The thought of you and Grayson almost kissing, baffled you. You couldn't help but ask yourself multiple questions.

Could I feel something for him? Does he feel anything for me? What if we did kiss? What would happen between us at the beach?

The endless thought of possibilities that could've taken place, ran through your mind like a marathon. The overall thought of kissing him to begin with, made butterflies appear in your stomach. Do I have feelings for him? No, that's insane. We barely met, it's too soon.

But something inside of me knows that I'm making up excuses. Excuses to forget about...never mind.

"Here we are." Said a cheerful Grayson.

I smiled at him in response as we parked. As I began to unbuckle my seatbelt, I felt a hand on mine.

"Not yet," Grayson said with a serious tone in his voice.

"By aren't we-"
"Yes, but I need to know more about you y/n." Grayson had cut me off.
"But you have to be honest." He added.

I feel an uncontrollable nervous wave wash over me; In fear of what he might ask.
Will he ask about my previous relationships? What if he asks if I have feelings for him? What would my response be?

I take a deep breath, and nod.
"Shoot." I say.

"You'll answer truthfully? The whole truth? And nothing but the truth?" He chuckled.

I roll my eyes playfully and smile.
"Yes! Now ask me before I change my mind!" I giggled.

He smiled at me and thought of what to ask.

"Well first of all, how old are you?" He asked.

"17, on the verge of 18." I responded.

He nodded and continued his questioning.

"What is your favorite color?"
His eyes lit up. "Mine too!"
We giggled and he continued to the next question.

"Have you ever been in a relationship? And for how long?" He asked.

"Umm." I said nervously intertwining my fingers. Great. The one question that might lead to another about my bad past.

"I've been in, about 2 relationships. One was 2 years long, and the other was, like, I don't know 7 months?" I summed up.

His charming smile faded away after I finished my response.

"That's a really long time." He said. "Wow! 2 years?" He stated in disbelief.

"Yup." I said awkwardly.

"What happened? Like, did he cheat or?" He sprung with questions.

My heart began to race. I mean, I had just met him but don't wanna ruin our...whatever we have, with my bad history.

"Oh, well." I began. "He, umm...died." I said with a shaky voice. I felt water fill into my eyes, and tried my best not to show.

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