Chapter 16: Truth or Dare?

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"So who's gonna start?" I asked with a neutral voice.

I did not want to do this right now.

"I'll start. Kendall, truth or dare?" Logan said as he turned to Kendall.

He frowned, "Uh, dare?"

Logan chuckled, "Alright, I dare you to stuff ten marshmallows in your mouth."

James rolled his eyes, "Lame." as he grabbed a bottle of beer from behind him.

"Seriously James?" I asked, "Kathy's not going to like this."

He shrugged, handed one to Logan and reached one out to me and Kendall.

I looked over at Kendall and he smiled, "You don't have to if you don't want to."

I frowned, "Just give me one then."

I giggled as Kendall stuffed his face, I reached for the paper towels and got them ready in case something gross happened.

Logan and Kendall were holding their laughs and I placed myself a little further from Kendall, so I wouldn't be covered in marshmallows.

"And that was number ten!" Logan said and Kendall threw his hands in the air, triumphantly.

He grabbed a plastic back and spit them all out.

"That... was awful." I stated as he grabbed some paper towels and wiped his mouth.

"It looked real hot." Logan replied, chuckling.

Kendall threw a marshmallow at him and cleared his throat, "Sooo, James. Truth or dare?"

"Truth." he smiled.

"Are you still in love with Estelle?' Kendall quickly asked.

I turned to him, "I suggest we skip this question."

"Hey you told me you wanted to know if he still did, this is your chance." Kendall mumbled.

I sighed, "Whatever, fine."

James bit his lower lip and looked me right in the eyes.

I started blushing a little as he said, "Yes, I still love her."

I felt all of them looking at me and I just looked down, not knowing how to react to this.

Apparently Kendall wasn't that happy with the answer he got.

"Estelle, truth or dare?" James asked me.

I sighed, "Truth, I guess."

"Do you have a crush on someone right now?" he grinned.

I stared at the campfire, "Yes I do."

He smiled and nodded.

I bet he's thinking it's still him.

Kendall nudged me, "Your turn."

"Logan, which one?" I smiled.

"Dare!" he answered.

I made him do a back flip, which he nailed big time.

We were playing this game for half an hour now and James opened up his third beer.

"Mom's gonna kill me if she finds out." Kendall stated as he opened his second one.

The kids were still in the lake, jumping off cliffs and what not.

We still kept en eye on them, so they were safe.

James was a little tipsy and Logan was just being really lazy.

I only drank one and I felt normal.

For some reason James felt really good about telling everyone that he still loved me and he kept trying to figure out if I was crushing on him.

"Estelleee, truth or dare?" he smirked.

I took a sip of my beer and frowned, "Let's take a dare."

James gave me a big smile, "I dare you to kiss me."

Logan suddenly sat up straight and I heard Kendall next to me, sighing.

James beckoned me, "You have to!"

"You don't." Kendall leaned in.

"I got this." I said to Kendall, wiggling my eyebrows.

I slowly walked over to James and he got up.

He leaned in for a kiss but I kicked him against his shin.

"Ouch, damn it, why'd you do that?!" he yelled, immediately covering his mouth.

"Oh, I thought you said I had to kick you. Oh well." I smiled as I patted his back.

Logan and Kendall were both laughing and I saw Logan  falling on the ground, slapping it while crying out of laughter.

"Ugh. Just leave it. Logan, we're gonna pair up against them and think of the nastiest and most embarrassing dares." James stated.

Logan was really, really dunk and he just shrugged.

"Fair enough, we will pair up too then!" Kendall said, putting his arm around my shoulders, "And we start!"

I nodded, "Uhmmmm I want both of you to strip down to your underwear and sit like that until we go to sleep."

"Wait what?" Kendall frowned.

I shrugged,"I got to pick something!"

Kendall rolled his eyes, "Girls will be girls."

James and Logan took off their clothes and you nodded, "Good, thank you. Now dance for us!"

Logan snorted and made a few moves, "This is embarrassing."

"It's not like you're always covered in clothes at the cabin anyways.." I replied with a grin.

He made a funny face at me and exchanged some words with James.

"Kendall, we've got a dare for you." James stated.

Good, no dare for me! Whoow!

Kendall nodded, "Bring it on!"

"We want you to think of the most embarrassing and scariest thing you can do at this moment. And then do it." James stated again.

"Uh. I'm not going to do that." he said.

"You have to, we stripped for you guys. You owe us!" Logan laughed.

"I don't want people to get mad at me." Kendall mumbled.

I chuckled, "No one's going to be mad at you, it's just a stupid game, Whatever it is you do, you did it because you were forced to, ha ha."

"Come on Kendall, seriously. What's so bad about it? Just do it!" Logan tried.

I looked at him and nodded.

He sighed and before I knew it, he crashed his lips on mine.

Camp Rush // Big Time RushTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang