Chapter Seven

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 All around her the train car rattled and jolted as it bounced along the tracks. Claire focused on counting. In fact, she was so determined to keep her attention fixated on the watch in her hand that she didn't realize she was no longer alone.

As the lights flickered overhead, always threatening to go out entirely but never committing, Claire felt like someone, something, was watching her.

Reluctantly, she lifted her gaze from the watch and peered out across the dining car. There was no one, even the bartender who had served them earlier seemed to have disappeared.

At first glance she missed it, but a second, more careful examination revealed the newcomer.

It lurked in the far corner, a hulking shadow, hunched over and waiting.

Claire felt a ripple apprehension sweep over her causing goosebumps to prickle up across her skin.

Perhaps she was simply imagining things, like a child who mistakes a familiar shape in the darkness as a monster waiting to gobble him up. The black, indistinguishable shape was so still that Claire almost believed her own logic and relaxed a little. She was just on edge so naturally her mind would play tricks on her.

Turning her gaze back to the watch she noted the time. Three minutes had passed. Come on, Alek she thought, her anxiety mounting. The lights flickered again, the darkness seeming to last longer each time the lights went out. Without really wanting to, Claire found herself looking towards the corner again.

The shadow was gone.

A soft skittering sound over head caused her to look up and she saw the shadow again, only this time it appeared as a featureless figure clinging to the ceiling of the dining car a few feet away. The lights flickered again and the being moved closer.

Claire realized it was the same thing that had attacked her in the theatre. Without pausing to think, she scrambled backwards over the chair and tumbled out of the booth onto the floor. She paused for only a second before scrambling to her feet.

The creature still clung to the ceiling and she swore she could feel it watching her though she could make out no eyes. Why wasn't it following?

That's when it clicked.

The lights. It only moved when the lights went out.

Claire felt the car rock again and the lights dimmed dangerously low. She could almost feel the anticipation radiating from the thing overhead.

It was waiting.

Staggering backwards, Claire turned, seeking some sort of escape, and saw the door leading into the next car. Could it open doors? Would it be able to follow her through? It had gotten into her car somehow without her knowing. Perhaps it had been there all along and they simply hadn't seen it lurking there.

Claire knew she had no choice but to try. She wasn't sure how much time she would have before the lights went out for good and she didn't want to be here when they did.

Edging backwards so that she could keep her eyes on the creature, Claire reached out behind her in search of the door. The lights flickered again and the creature skittered closer, its long, black limbs seeming to extend all the way to either side of the train car. It reminded Claire of a giant four legged spider and she shuddered at the mere thought.

Finally her fingers met with the cool metal of the doorway and she spun around. She searched frantically for the latch, her fingers trembling as they scrambled over the smooth surface beneath them. The lights dimmed again, staying dark for several seconds before flickering back to life again. She didn't dare turn around, instead she grasped the handle and pushed as hard as she could.

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