Ryan Hearts Vibrator

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Written by i_drink_gerbils

 'Fucking' is really all it is.

Sure, they could just be calling it that to detach themselves from the emotional connection that lies beneath, but that would just be bullshit. In the end, they're just a bunch of horny straight boys locked up in a moving bus for months on end, and really, they're smart enough to just throw in the towel and start coming on each other's faces. To let out the frustration. They're not actually gay, per se. They just like fucking each other, maybe in a slightly violent manner from time to time.

In Atlanta, Brendon had Ryan's ass in the air on the dressing room floor, shoving his cock in and out, fast, hard, dry. Dry, because in Toronto, he learned Ryan gets along well with pain.

In Sioux Falls, Jon's mouth was on Spencer's balls, around them, biting, sucking them in and out of his mouth like a goddamn lollipop, one hand tight around Spencer's dick and the other gripping his own.

Between daylight and Arizona, Brendon lay sprawled out on the couch, pants off and legs open on the receiving end of a rather vigorous blowjob from Ryan, while Spencer sat perched on the arm of said couch with three fingers thrusting in and out of himself. Jon had a cold, and was wiping his nose in his bunk.

The whole thing had started as a kind of group bonding exercise, really, but somewhere down the line they had more or less paired off, not because of any real personal preferences, but more because Jon liked to fist and Spencer's ass was the only one pliant enough to take it.

But now they were en route to Denver, and Ryan was waking up hard with a hangover that clearly wanted to fucking kill him. From the people sounds emanating from the back lounge of the bus, he gathered that he was the last to rise and shine, which made sense because he had definitely be the last to call it quits the night before.

Just as he had focused his eyes enough to read his watch (4:23 in the afternoon, as it were), some calamity ripped back the curtain to his bunk and bounded into bed with him.

Brendon. Ugh. He really hated him.

"What the fuck, man?" Ryan grumbled, loudly, weakly attempting to push the Problem off of him.

"Look who's awake," said Brendon. He dipped his head low and bit down hard on side of Ryan's neck, lapping harshly at the skin he took between his teeth.

Ryan gave a raspy groan. "What the hell do you want, bitch."

Brendon unlatched himself, lips wet, and stared at Ryan with a stupid look on his face.

"You. Duh." And went back to chewing on the other boy's neck.

Ryan finally managed to push Brendon away enough make an attempt at sitting up. "No, Bren," he said, shooting him a scowl. "I am not in the mood to be fucked right now. I feel like shit." He paused and rubbed his eyes. "Besides, I'm sure you took advantage of my ass plenty last night."

Brendon wiped his mouth and shook his head. "Nope. I didn't fuck you at all last night."

Ryan stilled and raised his eyebrow at him. "...Why?"

"It would have just felt wrong pounding a guy who couldn't get one up. You were pretty fucking gone by the time we carried you back to the bus."

Ryan sighed. "Sorry I wasn't of any use to you, but we're still not fucking. Unless you want me to throw up all over your cock."

"Ry..." A whine.

"Get the fuck out." A command.

Brendon jutted out his full bottom lip, but scrambled out in a huff.

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