Electric Feel

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Written by Morbid_rae

"Keep still." 

Well, it's kind of hard to do that when Ryan is jerking him around. "Yeah? How?" 

Ryan gives him a cold, hard look. "Don't fucking backtalk me, slut." 

Brendon rolls his eyes and Ryan slaps him across the face, hard enough to force his head to the side. He can feel a different kind of heat on his right cheek now- more than just from the constant rosy blush he had the entire time, mostly from embarrassment. Because being reduced to this is embarrassing. But now he feels a sting of pain where Ryan's open palm had just been, turning his skin from a faint blush to a burning red. And then all he feels is hot red anger. "Jesus fuck, Ryan! When did we agree to that?!"

His lover just shrugs and pushes him back onto the chair he'd set in the middle of the room earlier. "You know," he sighs. "Foreplay would've been nice, but I think we're past that now if you can't keep still." He walks over to the counter and Brendon watches him from his seat, not daring to move because Ryan is in one of his moods. Well, maybe not a mood. Brendon doesn't exactly know what to call it. All he knows is, it's best not to disobey when Ryan is on a tirade of this particular sort.

He's like a cat in heat- needs it now. But he only wants it a certain way. He wants all control. And Brendon knows what's coming, but he still can't stop his stomach from dropping when Ryan retrieves the ropes he usually uses for these special occasions. 

"Maybe this will help you keep the fuck still," he practically growls out, crossing the room in long, determined strides, eyes wild and angry on Brendon.

He brings Brendon's hands behind his back and ties them together, making the knots tight so they purposely dig into Brendon's skin. He moves to the front when he's done, ties each ankle to a leg of the chair. "Okay," he breathes, jerking to a stand. "Now that you're all tied up, let's get those pants down." 

Brendon nods and tries to help the best he can by lifting his hips off of the chair as far as they'll go. Ryan just smirks and pulls them down to mid-thigh, exposing Brendon enough to see everything he'll need for tonight. Brendon only wonders how long he'll last this time. 

Ryan locks eyes with Brendon and starts to strip, slowly, making a show of it. And this is the only thing Brendon hated about this. Because he just wants to touch. He just needs to feel Ryan under him. But he's pretty sure he'll be under Ryan, tonight. 

When Ryan's finally naked he doesn't let Brendon take the sight in. He simply moves to stand behind the chair, bending over enough to reach Brendon's ear. "I was thinking about stretching myself," he says, voice low and sensual. "Just displaying myself in front of you and finger-fucking myself open. To get ready for your cock. But I think I'll take you dry. I need you inside, Bren. God, you have no idea how bad.." Ryan stops abruptly, making a small, choked noise at his own words, leaning over further and raking his nails hard up Brendon's bare thighs. "Need you inside," he whines, high and needy, fingers moving up to skim lightly over Brendon's erection- now standing proud and flushed red. "God," Ryan moans, forming a tight fist around Brendon and stoking lazily. "Fucking need you." 

"Then have me," Brendon groans, trying to buck up into Ryan's fist. 

Ryan moves back in front of Brendon, plopping down into his lap. He leans in, moving his hips in the most painfully suggestive way and Brendon just lets his head fall back, giving up all control, because he can't do anything about the teasing. Ryan takes the opportunity to attack his neck- angry, hard bites all over his throat and up to his ear, moving back down to his adams apple to lick at it slowly. 

"Fuck, need you.. Why do you make me wait? Why do you tease me?" Ryan asks, rutting against Brendon, his hard flesh grazing Brendon's bare stomach. 

Brendon scoffs and shakes his head, because really? Now this is his fault? He's making Ryan wait? As if he's ever done that. 

Ryan chuckles, low and seductive. "Gonna ride you so hard." 

Ryan lifts off a bit, gripping Brendon's cock and guiding himself carefully lower. When he feels the heavy weight of the tip settle snugly at his entrance he sighs in relief, removing his hands to grab onto Brendon's shoulders instead, steadying himself. "Fuck," he whispers in nervous anticipation. He's never taken anyone dry before. "Fuck, fuck." He grips Brendon's shoulders harder, nails digging in, and he sinks down slowly, choking out a soft whimper when Brendon's head breeches him. It burns more than he thought it would, and the drag is intense and almost too difficult to handle. So dry and rough and, "Jesus, fuck, Bren," he whines. When he finally has every inch of Brendon inside, he doesn't waste a single moment in regaining his composure. 

He wraps a hand around Brendon's neck, using it as an anchor, and starts to move. He rocks back and forth in Brendon's lap, slightly angled backwards so the slide is easier and isn't so impossible. He licks the palm of his other hand and grabs ahold of his cock, fisting it furiously- fast and hard and rough, just like his thrusts. He bounces in Brendon's lap, breath catching on every downward push, desperate and hurried little sounds escaping between them. 

Brendon is more vocal and a little less out of breath. Which makes sense. He groans- loud and graceless 'ah's spill from his mouth. "Fuck, yeah," he murmurs, letting his head fall back again. "You feel so good, Ryan, fuck.. So tight, fuck." 

Ryan growls and pulls on Brendon's hair hard. "You fucking cunt.. Fucking slut, making me take you dry like this, you eager little whore!" 

Brendon's mouth falls open and he doesn't even care how ridiculous Ryan sounds, because fuck it turns him on, causes his hips to involuntarily thrust up just when Ryan pushes down. 

Ryan practically screams, tightening his fist around his cock, hips snapping uncontrollably. "Fuck, fuck, I can feel everything like this.. So much, fuck.." 

And he can't take it, how different it feels without being stretched. Every muscle is clamping around Brendon, trying to force him out, clinging to his practically pulsating cock. And if Ryan were crazy, he'd maybe think he could feel every thump of Brendon's erratic heartbeat like this. That's how close he feels to him. 

And then he leans forward slightly and when Brendon thrusts up to meet him again, he slams into his prostate dead on- and that's all it takes. Ryan is coming hard- white hot streaks all over Brendon's stomach and even up to his chest and neck. 

Brendon feels like he might swallow his own tongue at the feeling of Ryan even tighter around him as his muscles spasm, gripping his cock hard, squeezing from all sides. Brendon bites down on Ryan's shoulder as he thrusts up into Ryan's tight heat, his muffled sounds vibrating against Ryan's skin. 

When they both come down, Ryan's grinning at him- pleased and sated. "So good," he whispers, kissing Brendon softly.

After Ryan unties him, he suggest a movie and Ryan says, "Moulin Rouge?" 

Brendon just smiles and nods, pecking Ryan on the cheek. Neither bother with their clothes. They just cuddle under a blanket on the couch and when Elephant Love Medley plays, they sing to each other- Brendon acting as Nicole Kidman and Ryan as Ewan Mcgregor. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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