Pleasure Ry

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Written by sympathynotlove

Warning Blood Kink

  It starts off as a 'one time' thing when Ryan is seventeen.

His girlfriend digs her nails into his hip when she's sucking him off, and her claw-like nails dig in so deep they make him bleed a little.

Ryan cums from the sudden painful pleasure.


Fast forward about a week to Ryan walking in on that same girlfriend sucking Brent's dick in their practice space.

That night, instead of being upset, he's fucking horny. As he presses his wrist down hard into the ridge of his sharp hipbone, he remembers the sudden, blinding pleasure when Tara had clawed at his hip.

He bites his lip roughly to quiet himself as he reaches for the razor in his drawer, boughten for scraping hardened candle wax off his desk, but unused.

He peels off the wax paper around the tiny blade with trembling fingers, trying to ignore the neglected aching between his legs. "Thank fuck," he mutters as he frees the blade.

He snakes his left hand down, stroking himself again, movements a bit choppier now. His hips shake as he lowers his right hand down, cutting a thin line into his own hip.

Ryan's sure everyone from miles around (except his parents... he's sure they're too wrapped up in themselves to hear anything he does) must hear the loud, strangled screaming, groaning noise he lets out as the blood runs down his hip. He grasps his dick tighter, working it roughly as he takes it in his right hand again, wrist pressing down on the cut so the jolts of painful, mind-numbing pleasure keep coming.

When he cums, he bites his lip and mixes the cum with his blood in fascination, eyes going wide. "What the shit," he mutters, legs shaking as he stands up to go shower.


When Ryan and Brendon first get together, Ryan's really not sure how to ask Brendon to do what he wants.

What's he supposed to say? "Babe, d'ya think when we're in bed later you could maybe... I dunno... cut me? Lick the blood? Claw my chest? You know, stuff like that?" He doesn't think so.

He ponders this as he lays on the couch, head on Brendon's lap, on the bus.

While they know each other well as friends, the relationship is still new, and they're still working on knowing each other that well... in a more intimate way.

"Biggest turn on?" Brendon asks, fingers running through Ryan's hair, looking down at him curiously.

Ryan looks down, fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. "Pain. Blood," he mutters, hand snaking down further so he can run his long fingers over his sharp hipbone. "It's fucking creepy, I know."

Brendon licks his lips, running his hand down over Ryan's small stomach, under the shirt, to rub at the skin there. "Mm. That's not creepy, babe. That's actually pretty fucking hot..." He sucks his bottom lip into his mouth before standing a bit so he can move to pin Ryan to the couch, straddling him and kissing him hard. Ryan lets out a soft squeak in surprise.


Brendon pins Ryan down to the mattress in their bunk, roughly. "Strip," he instructs, licking his lips. "I'll be back." He goes to the bathroom, getting the small blade from one of the tiny cupboards.

When he returns to a naked Ryan Ross, he bites his lip hard at the sight. "Fuck..." he mutters, licking his lips again as he quickly rids himself of his clothes, situating himself between Ryan's legs.

Ryan looks down, eyes wide, a bit nervous. Doing this to himself was one thing, but having someone else do it?

All thoughts of nervousness are gone as Brendon places a soft kiss to the inside of his thigh, pressing the blade into his hip, dragging down barely an inch. "God..." he hears Brendon whisper, fingers wrapping around Ryan's dick.

He presses his thumb and forefinger to the cut, squeezing to get more blood out as he jerks Ryan off.

Ryan whines, writhing under Brendon's touch. "Motherfucker, Brendon," he manages, swallowing hard before emitting a loud, throaty moan when Brendon leans in and laps at his blood.

He whines, hips jerking up more as he feels Brendon's tongue sliding over the part in his skin.

The tongue on his cut is gone, though, a minute later, and Brendon wraps his lips around the swollen head of Ryan's dick.

He presses down on the cut with the heel of his hand as his other fingers brush lightly over the base of Ryan's dick.

"Fuck, fuckfuckfuck, Brendon," Ryan moans, fingers tugging hard on Brendon's hair as he cums.

"Slut," Brendon teases once he's swallowed all that Ryan has to offer, crawling up to kiss him.

"You love it," Ryan mutters, eyes closed.

"Mmm yeah. I do." Brendon grins, nipping at Ryan's bottom lip. "Now, would you be willing to try that on me?"  

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