Attention To Detail

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Written by Jzbell

Warning Double Penetration

  Brendon had stopped pretending to be surprised when Ryan followed him home a long time ago. He knew his apartment wasn't much--a tv and a futon that he quit bothering to drag back into the bedroom at night after he finally invested in some ten-dollar drapes from Wal-Mart--but it was amazing how attractive things could look when you considered the alternatives: too much silence or not enough, Brendon and Ryan meeting somewhere in the middle.

There was also the sex thing. Which Brendon kind of liked. He wasn't exactly used to getting sex regularly, or like, at all, and he thought it would be pretty cool if it would continue. He was pretty sure Ryan liked it, too. Being in a band with the guy, Brendon had learned right away that Ryan had no problem telling people "no," and "you're supposed to do it this way," and "fuck off, we're not doing that." Brendon pretty much always considered it a good night if he made it through practice without incurring the full force of Ryan's wrath; he had not yet received any such scorn in bed, and he wanted it to stay that way. For his own sake, of course, but also for Ryan's.

Because on the one hand, Brendon figured as long as Ryan was satisfied, he would continue to put out, and if Brendon was being honest, that was a principal motivating factor. But there was also the underlying fact that Brendon just... liked it when Ryan was happy. Pretty much everyone liked Ryan better when he was happy, but sometimes Brendon felt like he did especially. He liked the way it sounded when Ryan would breathe deep, easy, with his whole chest; he liked when his voice brightened with a note of playful sarcasm; he liked when Ryan smiled, wide and relaxed, eyes squinting up into shining crescents; he liked the feel of Ryan's body, warm and comfortable against his.

So Brendon paid attention. He paid attention to what would make Ryan chuckle, low and breathless, and what would make him shudder and bite his lip happily. Years spent catering to a religion he didn't actually have much faith in, Brendon had gotten good at figuring out what he had do to keep other people content. He didn't think it was necessarily a bad quality, when he thought about it. Sometimes it could be pretty rewarding.

And so naturally, Brendon noticed the extra hitch in Ryan's breath every time he added another finger, getting him wet, stretching, twisting in hard, spreading slightly. He noticed the raw edge to Ryan's voice when he choked out, "God, Brendon, you have no idea--feels so--" He noticed the way Ryan squirmed just a little more frantically the first time Brendon had tried pushing a finger in alongside his cock, curious; the way he would lick his lips and smile, after, loose and sated. When Ryan gasped for more, Brendon could tell he meant it.

Ryan meant it, and Brendon really wanted to give it to him, give him as much as he wanted, as much as he needed.

Brendon unlocked his door and held it open so Ryan could follow him in. Ryan didn't bother saying anything, and Brendon didn't comment either. They propped their guitars up side by side and Brendon could feel his heart beating, imagined he could actually feel the throb of it in his pulse points. The first few moments were always tense like that. Brendon, for one, was still trying to learn exactly how to act around Ryan, and when. Lines shifted when the door closed, and it always took a second to figure out where they ended up.

"I got you something," he said into the silence, letting the words out in a rush, desperate to get past the stupid awkwardness, like they weren't going to do exactly what they'd been doing pretty much every night one of them didn't pass out from exhaustion first. As if they hadn't been spending nearly as many hours naked together as they did clothed, the absolute intimacy of it.

"You got me something?" Ryan repeated stupidly, looking at him. Brendon shrugged and turned away, trying to keep the blush from rising up his neck through force of will alone. He walked quickly to his bedroom, knowing Ryan would follow, and grabbed the paper sack from the floor in the corner. Ryan had stopped in the doorway and he was looking at Brendon with big eyes when Brendon turned back, questioning and expectant. Brendon figured there was no proper way to present what he was trying to give to Ryan and so he just kind of handed the bag over. Ryan took it, keeping his eyes on Brendon's face for another second before looking down, unrolling the top and pulling the paper open so he could look inside.

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