Interruptions ( Sequel To Cock Slut )

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Written by poisonarrows  

  Brendon opens the shower curtain and turns the water on as high as it will go. When he's sure it's the perfect temperature, he steps into the stream and allows it to flow down over his body, soothing his muscles. He squirts a dollop of shampoo in his hand, but instead of putting it in his hair, he snakes his hand down lower, lazily stroking his awakening erection.

Flashes of the last night of the tour pass through his mind and he finds himself leaning against the shower wall for balance. He sees Ryan staring at him onstage, lust very much apparent and he swears Ryan's getting hard when he moves his guitar away from his body for a split second. The image of Ryan, cock-hungry and fucking impatient has embedded itself into his mind. Brendon brushes his thumb over the slit and imagines he's back there, Ryan ripping off his tights.

One hand splayed on the wall behind him, his other hand picking up the pace, Brendon imagines Ryan's in front of him again, sucking him off. He hitches a breath, mind backtracking, and thinks about his hand down the back of Ryan's pants, one finger inside him. He can almost taste Ryan's mouth, feel him grinding against him, and he comes with a shudder and a moan that sounds suspiciously like the other boy's name.


"What are you wearing?" Brendon breathes into the phone, voice low and husky.

"Huh?" Ryan spits out.

"I said, 'What are you wearing?'" Brendon repeats slowly, emphasis on the last word.

"Jeans and a t-shirt," Ryan begins. "Oh, and Brendon?"


"I'm not having phone sex with you."

Brendon groans and there's a noticeably whiny edge to his voice when he speaks again. "Come on, Ryan, why not?"

"Because it's awkward and just... Brendon, I'm not having phone sex with you."


"What?" he asks, irritation evident.

"Guess what I did this morning."

"Brendon, I don't have time for – "

"I jerked off in the shower thinking about the other night," he explains, reaching down to palm himself through his pants, breathing laboured.

Ryan swallows audibly and he seems to be at a loss for words, so Brendon continues.

"Seriously, I can't stop thinking about the way you ripped those tights off of me." He's got his hand in the front of his pants now, moving in slow, deliberate strokes. "And the way you were moaning like a cheap whore when my finger was inside of you..."

There's a gasp on the other end of the line and Brendon's sure he hears a zipper being undone. "B-Brendon?" Ryan whispers.

"Yeah," this time it's not a question; it's more of a statement, low, long and drawn out.

"Nngh. How soon can you get here?"


Brendon tries to count how many times he's broken the law on his way to Ryan's house, but his mind keeps wandering back to the other boy.

In his head, he's attempting to go over possible explanations for his reckless driving.

I'm sorry, officer, but I'm just on my way to a friend's house. You see, he sucked me off the other night, and I really want to return the favour.

Somehow he's not quite sure that one will go over.

When he finally gets to Ryan's place, he doesn't bother knocking, just walks in. Ryan's sprawled out on the leather couch, one leg hooked over the back, and biting down on the knuckle of his index finger. His other hand's gripping the armrest and he's got this far-off look on his face. He's hard, and the button of his jeans is undone, t-shirt riding up to reveal a small strip of pale stomach. Brendon's not really sure what the fuckhe's doing, but he can't tear his eyes away from the boy stretched out so wantonly in front of him, long limbs everywhere.

Ryan doesn't speak, so Brendon clears his throat. "Uh, Ry... what exactly are you doing?"

Shifting his gaze to stare directly into Brendon's eyes, he removes his knuckle from his mouth and groans. "Uh, Bren," he mocks before taking on a more serious tone, "waiting for you. What the fuck took you so long, asshole?"

Brendon thinks he might just like Ryan best like this – bitchy, ridiculously turned on, and hot as hell. He wants to laugh at how impatient Ryan gets when he's horny, but he decides maybe it's best not to piss him off anymore.

"I'm sorry," he starts apologizing. "I got here as quickly as I could. I'm surprised I didn't get arrested. You should have seen the way I – "

"Shut up," an exasperated Ryan cuts him off. "Just come over here."

Brendon kicks off his shoes and hurriedly makes his way over to the couch. He's standing right beside Ryan, wondering how the two of them could possibly fit comfortably on the couch, when Ryan frantically pulls him down by the collar of his shirt. Ryan plunges his tongue into Brendon's mouth while the latter situates himself between the other boy's open legs. Ryan threads his fingers through Brendon's hair and wraps his leg around his waist, immediately arching his back and grinding into him.

Brendon breaks the kiss and licks his way to Ryan's ear, growling, "Shirt off. Now," already tugging on the bottom of it.

It's over Ryan's head and Brendon pitches it on the floor, about to attach his lips to Ryan's collarbone when Ryan snarls, "Nuh uh. You too," and slinks his hands down to the small of Brendon's back. Wrapping his fingers in the bottom of the shirt, he pulls it off, dragging his nails along Brendon's back in the process. Brendon moans and allows Ryan to remove the shirt, throwing it in the general direction of the other one.

Ryan stretches his neck and reaches up to bite Brendon's shoulder, cupping his ass and bringing his pelvis down to rub their cocks together. With two layers of denim too many, Brendon shifts his body and reaches his right hand down to undo Ryan's zipper, angling his head to take Ryan's nipple in his mouth. Ryan gasps and throws his head back, digging it into the cushion. Brendon slips his hand into Ryan's boxers and brings Ryan's face closer to his, kissing him hard. Stroking Ryan's cock roughly, Brendon feels the other boy's calloused fingers against his waistband, swiftly popping open the button and sliding down the zipper.

Breaking the kiss and panting, Brendon shoves Ryan's hand away. "No, Ryan, today it's all about you."

Ryan makes an incomprehensible noise and moves his hands to settle on Brendon's ass, lightly massaging through the fabric. Starting at Ryan's jaw, Brendon places kisses all along his body as he slowly moves lower. He stops for what's probably an embarrassingly long time at his nipples, biting and sucking on each one, savouring the sounds spilling from Ryan's lips.

Ryan brings one hand to Brendon's head, silently urging him to keep going lower. Brendon complies and kisses down Ryan's flat stomach. He darts his tongue into his navel before bringing his hands to the waistband and pulling pants and boxers down at once. Brendon throws them to land on the floor by the other discarded clothing and surveys the situation. There's hardly enough room on the couch for the two of them to do much, so he kisses the inside of Ryan's thigh and whispers, "On the floor."

"What? Are you – "

"Do it. Face up," his voice louder and more demanding now.

Brendon slides off of Ryan and stands up, unfastened pants hanging loose around his hips. Ryan slips his naked body gracefully onto the floor, muttering, "I don't really see why I have t – "

It's Brendon's turn to interrupt Ryan's unnecessary babbling. "Just quit bitching and spread your legs."

Ryan moans and moves his hand down to rub his erection. Brendon makes a mental note to keep up the dominant front because maybe Ryan's enjoying it a lot more than Brendon thought he would.

Ryan flattens his hands on the floor and bends his knees. When Brendon nudges his left foot against Ryan's right, he places it on the couch.

When Ryan's settled, Brendon kneels down on the floor in front of the other boy's crotch. He mutters, "God, you have no idea how fucking sexy you are like that," before leaning down and taking Ryan's cock into his mouth.

"Brendon!" Ryan gasps, closing his eyes and moving his hands up to settle on his own forehead.

Brendon bobs off and licks from the base to the tip before tilting his head to the side and licking Ryan's inner thigh. He slides his hands under Ryan's ass and lifts it, angling it up. Brendon ducks his head down to lick at Ryan's entrance. Ryan moans loudly and Brendon plunges his tongue inside. Brendon's moving his tongue around as much as he can manage, kneading Ryan's ass cheeks, and Ryan can't seem to keep quiet.

He's panting, "Oh my... God, Br – "

There's a small noise behind Brendon and then, "Hey, R – What the fuck?!"

Ryan opens his eyes and sharply turns his head toward the doorway, gaping. Spencer's standing there, dumbstruck, stopped dead in his tracks. Jon's right behind him and slams into Spencer after his abrupt stop.

"Holy shit," Ryan mumbles embarrassedly and covers his face.

Brendon thinks this might all be really fucking funny if his head wasn't buried in Ryan's ass.

Spencer can't seem to form any full sentences, so he just stutters out, "Mother of... Fuck, I... Yeah, I'm just gonna..." before turning and walking into the kitchen.

Jon's got this indecipherable look on his face, and he simply shakes his head, points in the direction Spencer went, and follows him.

Brendon lowers Ryan's body, sits back against the couch, and grumbles, "So, uh, what do we do now?"

Ryan's back to full bitchy mode and Brendon can see it when he glares at him. "What the... Jesus, how the fuck should I know?"

"Well, I don't know. You just – "

"Shut your fucking mouth and give me my Goddamn pants."

As he hands the pants to Ryan and does his own back up, Brendon gets defensive. "Hey, don't fucking blame me for this. It's not my fault that your best friend thinks he's got a standing invitation to just walk into your fucking house without knocking."

"Like it's my fault, asshole! Do I control what Spencer or Jon do? No, so – "

Brendon laughs sardonically. "And neither do I, so stop bitching to me about it. Now get up and come with me to go sort this out." Brendon stands up and holds his hand out to a petulant Ryan.

Ryan grasps his outstretched hand and stands up. He continues to cling to Brendon's hand as he's led to the kitchen, and even once they sit down at the table. Brendon wonders if he's ever going to fully understand the boy and his penchant for constantly contradicting himself.

Jon and Spencer are standing by the fridge and uncomfortably make their way to the table, sitting across from the other two. Jon speaks for the first time, trying to lighten the mood by asking, "So how badly do you think it would hurt to splash bleach in your eyes? I mean, I can stop and pick some up tonight before I catch my plane back to Chicago."

Brendon snorts, Spencer slaps Jon's leg, and Ryan tightens his death-grip on Brendon's hand.

"I'm sorry. I just... I really have no idea what to say," he offers honestly. "It's not every day you walk in on one of your best friends doing... that to another one of your best friends."

Spencer takes over, asking, "So are you two, like, in a relationship or whatever? I mean, as shocking as it was to actually see, I can't say I'm surprised. I've always known there was at least mutual physical attraction, but just... what is this, and can you please tell me it's not going to fuck up the band in any way?"

Brendon shares a look with Ryan and decides to try his hand at explaining. "We're not... It's just... Okay, honestly? I have no idea what this is. It just kind of started, you know? And I can't say I'm not enjoying it or that I'm certain it won't affect the band, because those would both be complete lies. I just... I really like exploring this new... whatever between the two of us, and I really like Ryan," he states before smirking and adding, "crazy mood swings and all."

Ryan grins a little and knocks his knee against Brendon's. He squeezes Brendon's hand and quietly says, "Can you guys please try not to worry about it? I really like him, too."

"Plus," Brendon adds, amusement evident in his voice, "the boy gives fantastic head." That earns him a smack from a very flushed Ryan, so he continues. "Oh, and you guys should totally see him when he gets really horny and rips off – "

"Oh my God, shut up, Brendon," Ryan says loudly, burying his face in his hands. When he looks up, he chuckles nervously, making eye contact with Spencer and then Jon. "So are we cool? You're not too traumatized or anything? Because, I mean, I'm really sorry you had to see that, but in all fairness, it is my house and you just walked in without knocking..."

"Yeah, yeah, we're cool," Spencer assures him.

Brendon laughs and pipes up, "But I thought it would be kind of fun to pour bleach in Jon's eyes. Can we still do that?"


"What are you wearing?"

"Why, Ryan Ross, are you initiating phone sex with me?"

"Maybe," Ryan laughs. "Anyway, I was rooting through my closet and I found something that might interest you."

"And what might that be?"

"Well, remember my eighteenth birthday, when you thought it'd be funny to get me a sparkly, purple vibrator?"

Brendon bursts out into a fit of laughter. "Oh my God, you still have that? You know you're not exactly supposed to keep gag gifts, right?"

"Hey, I forgot I even had it, alright? It's still in the box with your dumbass note taped to it. 'Dearest Ryan, Think of me when you use this. Love always, Brendon.'"

Brendon's roaring with laughter and he can barely get any words out. "The best part is that I totally stood in front of the store and paid this weirdo on the street to pick that up because I wasn't old enough to go into a sex shop!"

Ryan cringes and lightheartedly says, "Okay, I so didn't need to hear that, thank you. You're such a mood-ruiner."

Once the laughter has died down, Brendon breathes out, "I could help you get back into the mood."

"Mmm. That's why I called you, dumbass. Now get over here and put this thing to use."


When Brendon gets to Ryan's house this time, he's not in the living room. Brendon toes off his shoes and locks the door behind him.

"Ryan?" he calls out as he heads toward the bedroom.

"Did you lock the fucking door?" comes the reply.

Brendon reaches the doorway and snickers. "Yes, mother."

Ryan stands up and walks over to him. "B, you're seriously bad at this sometimes. How the fuck could you possibly think that calling me 'mother' would do anything but ma –"

Brendon's kissing him and wrapping his arms around the other boy's thighs, pulling him up. Ryan wraps his legs around Brendon's waist and moves his hands up to his face, cupping his cheeks. Brendon snakes his tongue into Ryan's mouth and moves his hands to his ass.

Ryan moans and breaks the kiss, moving his hands up to brush Brendon's hair out of his face. "Okay, so I guess I'm wrong," he admits, pressing a kiss to Brendon's nose. "That was totally hot."

"Oh, I know," Brendon states cockily, slowly walking over to the bed and abruptly dropping Ryan onto it.

Ryan lets out a surprised giggle, leaning back on his elbows, and asks, "Fuck, why haven't I seen this side of you before?"

Ryan bites his lip and Brendon climbs onto the bed, straddling Ryan's legs. "Probably because you've never phoned me and practically begged me to fuck you with a vibrator before now. Speaking of which, where is it?"

Brendon's pressing the heel of his hand lightly into Ryan's rapidly developing erection, and Ryan's curving his neck, exposing an expanse of flesh that Brendon immediately licks. "On the dress-sser," Ryan hisses. "I j-just took it out of the box."

"Good. I'm gonna grab it while you get undressed."

Ryan makes a noise deep in his throat as a response and hurries to remove his clothes as soon as Brendon stands up.

Brendon's facing the dresser, holding a tube of lube and squirting some into his hand. As he coats the vibrator, he explains, "I want to see you naked, sprawled out in front of me, writhing on the bed."

"Oh, God," is all he hears from the other boy before he coats three fingers and tosses the lube aside.

When Brendon turns to face the bed, he sees that Ryan's followed his orders perfectly and he's lounged out on the bed, rubbing himself leisurely. Brendon props the vibrator up on the nightstand and settles on the bed near Ryan's ass. He moves his hand up, running his finger over the hole and pushing it inside. After a moment, he pulls the finger out a bit and pushes a second inside. Brendon curves his fingers, angling them up and stretching Ryan while Ryan speeds up the movements of his own hand.

Soon after adding a third finger, Brendon finds the perfect angle and Ryan's left hand flies up to grip the headboard, curses spilling over his lips. "Fuck, Brendon, just... Oh my God! Just hurry up already..."

Brendon runs the index finger from his other hand over Ryan's cheek. Ryan moans, turning his head and darting his tongue out to lick it. Brendon reaches over to grab the vibrator and positions it at Ryan's entrance. He slowly begins pushing it in, and Ryan's straining, pushing himself onto it in hopes that Brendon will get the point and hurry up.

Brendon does, and he pushes it all the way in. After giving Ryan a moment to adjust, he starts slowly pulling it out, almost the entire way before thrusting it back in at a slightly different angle. He hears Ryan hiss and watches him grip his own cock, pumping in time with the rhythm Brendon's creating.

"Ugh, fuck, turn it on," he grumbles.

"Are you sure you've never used this before?" Brendon asks, incredulous tone to his voice.

As Brendon turns the vibrator on and starts thrusting it in and out, Ryan gasps out, arching his back, and remarks, "I said I've never used this-ss – oh, God – this one, n-not that I've never used one... nngh..."

Brendon flicks his wrist, twisting the vibrator and hitting Ryan's prostate dead-on. Ryan can't keep still and he's beginning to speak only in vowels, and Brendon's sure it won't be long now.

"You know, Ryan," Brendon leans down and whispers in his ear, "every time I touched myself onstage, I was thinking about you."

Ryan throws his head back, slams the palm of his hand into the headboard and comes, hissing Brendon's name.

Brendon pulls the vibrator out, tossing it across the bed and curling up beside a panting Ryan. "So, Ry, I meant to ask you earlier, but I never got around to it. What exactly was with the spitting that night?"  

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