11. The First Novel Tips.

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Writing your first novel?

All those who want to start writing a story from now on or even if you are midway with your current one, you all need to keep a few things in mind.

This update is going to deal with basic writing tips and tools that will help you write and keep track of everything regarding your stories.

1. USE A NOTEBOOK: I have mentioned this around ten times till now in this book. We are short of trees, I know. But grab stray papers, used assignment sheets, staple stuff and make a notebook for god's sake. Stop being lazy bums and start your story using a notebook/diary/etc. This helps you keep a track of your story. Trust me, these small notebooks act as motivators. Your virtual notes here and there won't help.

2. WRITE A STORY OUTLINE: The very first update of the book talks about this very topic.

3. SHARE WITH FRIENDS: Ask your friends or family for opinion, note: Opinion, don't change the whole story just because they say so. Remember write what your heart says. A lot of you might not be comfortable sharing it with known people. So share with people on Wattpad. (I am all ears😉)

4. MOVIES: Watch genre specific movies. It helps you build a better understanding regarding dialogue delivery and voices.  

5. READ: I feel that the only way of writing amazing content is by reading amazing content. What do you have wattpad for? Read! Read! Read!

6. LISTEN TO MUSIC WHILE WRITING: This might not work for everybody but it does help me. I plan on sharing my writing playlist with you soon. This technique is great for writers of Romance, Teen fiction, Werewolf, Vampire genres.

7. FIND INSPIRATION: find things that awake the writing worm inside you and use them frequently.

8. DON'T STRIVE FOR PERFECTION: There is nothing perfect in this world. Remember you don't have to get it right, you have to get it out.

9. WRITE WHAT YOU WANT TO WRITE: Other's opinion matters only to an extent where it helps you improvise on YOUR story, not where it gets you stuck.

10. TIME: Give yourself and your story the time to develop. Write and edit. Satisfy your inner critic and then make the story public.

The 10 Tips of writing your first novel will help you reach your goal of writing a novel.

I am always happy to help. All you have to do is ask.😃


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