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Stella stared at the circus just beyond the bushes in front of her. The early morning sun made the grounds seem almost celestial, but Stella knew it was due to the magical nymphs who resided there. Her heart seemed to pound loudly, wanting to rip right out of her chest and return to its home. A home that she had deserted for a man who was now in the Night River, to wait a long while until Stella could join him.

She pushed her way out of the bush and stepped out into the morning sun. Even though her exhaustion was threatening to make her collapse, Stella dare not let it happen. She had to keep moving in order to find her daughter. And she knew the exact person who would help: Maghnus.

Fellow nymphs were out and about, readying themselves for something grand, Stella guessed. Was it the annual performance already? It had been too long since she had seen all these familiar faces. But from the gasps and looks of shock, the circus performers had not forgotten about her at all. The whispers began to scatter about the grounds, no doubt already traveling their way amongst crowds until they reached the Ringmaster's ears.

Stella suddenly felt guilt weigh down her heart. She had been their tight rope walker, an act that called all spectators forth to observe the magnificent things a person could do upon a high wire. How could she have been so daft? They wouldn't have been able to find a replacement within the circus grounds. The invisible dome around the circus wouldn't have allowed anyone who resided within the circus to leave.

Stella still belonged there; she could feel it in her bones. The circus swam swiftly through her veins and her children would have felt a pull here too, if they had survived, of course. Stella had to hold onto the hope that her dear, sweet Keelia was still alive out there... somewhere.

Suddenly loud chaos sounded across the grounds and a small man pushed his way through the legs of those around him. His rainbow coloured beard stuck out like a sore thumb and Stella couldn't help but let out her angelic laughter. The nymph was just as she remembered. He had a couple more wrinkle lines, but the fiery spark was still deep within his irises. As Stella and Maghnus continued to stare at each other, Stella felt tears trickle down her cheeks. She had missed that stubborn man so much.

Soon enough, Stella had her arms wrapped around the small man and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. The familiar scent wafted all around her, bringing back memories of their childhood together.

Maghnus pulled back. "How dare you leave? How could you do that to me?"

Stella smiled softly. "I fell in love with a mortal man. How could someone stay away from love?"

Maghnus pulled her in for another hug. "I missed you so much, Kyna. All these years I had thought something bad happened to you."

Stella, or rather, Kyna, just smiled and gave no reply.

Among the crowd stood an auburn haired girl with tears rolling down her cheeks, her eyes were glued to that beautiful woman hugging Maghnus. Her mother was alive. She had almost given up all hope, but she knew deep down that her mother had been out there somewhere. And by judging her apparel, it had not been a good somewhere.

"Mother?" Keelia spoke softly, just enough to be heard over all the joyous chatting.

Stella glanced up and instantly pulled away from Maghnus again. Her daughter! Her wonderful, brilliant daughter was standing just a couple feet away from her. Stella's heart swell with joy, and if someone were to ask here to describe what she was feeling in that exact moment, she'd have no words for them. The love a mother has for her children is beyond any trivial world in the English language.

Circus of the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now