Dark Aura - Part Two

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:McCree POV:

"Ye won't believe me on this, I know it, but-"
"Alright, before you start..." Hanzo interrupts. "I can tell you are being serious here, and so I promise to believe you. Do not worry."
As precious as it is for 'em to say that, I know he'll change his mind when I tell 'im.
"Alright, buttercup, if ye promise..."
Luckily, he chooses to ignore my nickname I gave him. It could be seen as flirting or harmless friendly names. Although it was the former, I know a relationship would never happen between us. We're polar opposites, and I'm always winding him up. Honest to God, I'm surprised he's even my friend.
"It wasn't too bad b'fore, but recently I've been feelin' real strange. Like I wanna cause mischief, no matter what it takes. I've been more comfortable with the idea of violence these past few weeks, too. Somethin' tells me it's down to my dark aura, but I'm not 100% sure."

Dark auras are different for ev'ryone. For me, it's somethin' that drives me to mayhem and crime. For Hanzo, it's somethin' that makes him not trust people as easily, or at least that's what he told me. Hence why I'm in awe that he hasn't left me behind yet, and has put up with my mischievous ways. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, since the guy means the world to me, but I'll never understand his reasonin' behind it. When it comes to other people's dark auras, I got mostly no idea, but I think most of the time they're similar to Hanzo's, it's more uncommon that a dark aura will make ye want to screw around with life. Live on the edge. Take as many risks as you can and steal whatever's steal-able.

There's a moment of awkward silence before Hanzo eventually replies.

"So that's what your aura does..?"
Oh yeah, forgot to tell him what mine actually does. Whoops.

"Yeah, probably shoulda told ye sooner, my bad." I respond.
"It's not a problem. But hey, I may have an idea for you to stop being so chaotic despite your aura."
"And yer plan is..?" I question curiously.
"Go against your nature. Fight it away." He answers back with confidence.
"..While I appreciate ye tryna help, it really ain't that easy..."
"I understand that. Which is why I will be here to help you through the process."

Although I know it'll still be difficult, something about hearing him say that gives me hope and butterflies fluttering through my body. It's just such a special thing to hear the guy actually tell me while completely meaning it. I've accepted it by now. After years and years of friendship and working together as teammates, I'm longin' for somethin' more, but I'll never get that chance. I'm already fortunate enough that Hanzo's even my damn acquaintance, so the idea of being his date is completely out the window. I put these thoughts at bay for now, and somethin' new crosses my mind. Yeah, it's real nice to hear 'em say that, but can I actually do this? I internally debate this, originally thinking about it rationally, but in the end I decide on one thing.

Whether this is possible or not, I want to try. Not for myself, but for him.

"Thank you kindly, my friend. I'll try my best with this."

Different Auras, Same Feelings - McHanzo Short Story (Not being continued!)Where stories live. Discover now