His Dream (1) - Part Six

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(WOW writer's block killed me for like a month lmao, sorry)
((This is McCree's dream while he was passed out btw, aLSO LOOK AT THE PRECIOUS SLEEPING BOI ABOVE ;w; it was the closest I could get to what's happening in regards to him sleeping/dreaming and it's adorable so I chose it))

[EDIT - I forgot to mention, I'm not adding the 's to words, so for example "Singing" won't be "Singin'" in McCree's POV now, but I'll still keep his actual speech like that]

:McCree POV:

"Awaken, my 'child'."

My eyes hastily bat open at the sudden voice. It doesn't sound like anyone I know of, and yet it sounds so familiar at the same damn time.

"Don't fear. I'm someone important to you, but you do not know me."

They sound so calm and welcoming, but there's a hint of venom there, too. It sounds like a fake tone, put on to seem less intimidating and dangerous then they actually are. However, I presume that's me just overreacting.

"No, you aren't. You're correct. Always were the preferred one, you were." A small chuckle ends a horrendously strange sounding sentence. The once peaceful mutter was now a disgusting growl, like something was stuck in their throat and they were trying to get it back up.

"Don't talk about gross things. You don't want to make them uncomfortable, do you?"

I finally gain the courage to reply to them, despite them being able to read my goddamn mind anyways, so me thinking about what I want to say would work just as fine.

"Make... Who uncomfortable?" I ask with a confused tone. A true one, unlike their one was originally.

"Ahaha. So unknowing."
For some reason, I don't want to continue on about this subject. It makes me feel real weird, like I'm not supposed to know about it.

"So, where am I, who are you and can I go home?"

"So eager to leave me already? What a shame..." They reply, not answering any of my questions and having a mysterious but kind-looking smile, despite their voice sounding like they were dying.

"If I answer your questions, will you stop insulting my voice?" The once friendly smile is now a mischevous smirk. A smirk that I knew all too well. It was a mix of sarcastic and amused. It was an expression that I used often when speaking to Hanzo, because it made him think I found him funny, which he didn't want. He wanted to seem "intelligent" and "mature". Lame, but I can still get behind it. No, I don't mean literally.

"Yeah, fine." I respond.

"Much obliged. Now... Basically, you're in a dream, you're going to be stuck here until I allow you to awaken, and as for who I am, I am your leader." The voice explains, as if it's the most simple thing to get your head around in the entirety of the world. I mean, the whole thing about me dreaming makes sense, so there's that, and I guess they must have control over the dream, which is kind of confusing, though I have a gut feeling to not ask... But that's not what intimidates me, and that's not what sends a chill down my spine. It's the last part.

This person... Is my leader..?

Different Auras, Same Feelings - McHanzo Short Story (Not being continued!)Where stories live. Discover now