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AAA I'm so sorry for the lack of updates! Life's been getting in the way and I've been running kind of low on ideas, I'm hoping to have a new part out later today or tomorrow! Also, thank you to the people who have read my lame story thus far, it means the world to me! ^^

I'm not 100% sure right now but I may change the rules up a little bit and go for over 10 chapters due to me wanting to have some character development but also wanting some romance in this story. I don't want it to seem rushed or like I didn't put in effort, so we'll see. Anyways, regarding this Author's Note I probably won't be adding any more of these unless something urgent comes up, so from here on out it should just be the story! I hope the people that have stumbled across this fanfiction are excited for the new parts!~ 'w'

Different Auras, Same Feelings - McHanzo Short Story (Not being continued!)Where stories live. Discover now