In Thought - Part Five

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(The picture above isn't exaaaactly how it looks but it gives you a rough idea!)
((ok update I know I got the part wrong shshsh))

:Hanzo POV:

"HOLY CR- Jesse!"

I hastily catch his falling body. He passed out, that much is clear, but why..? Is he ill? I gently place my hand on McCree's forehead. No temperature. My heart suddenly drops as I quickly slam my hand on the part of his shirt where his heart should be under. It's beating normally. Thank the lords. But if he's not sick and not dead, what's going on here? Although I wanted to keep Jesse in this house and go and relax for a bit, I couldn't leave the man's side while he was unconscious. I would take him to a doctor, but one I'm incredulously uncomfortable with socializing with people other then this cowboy and two, they may have to look at his body (though they most likely wouldn't), and since I don't know much about this dark aura, I don't know if it fiddles with how his body looks or not. For all I know, he could have some goopy, slimy body underneath his attire. Hopefully not. That's disgusting to think about.

As embarrassing as carrying him bridal style is, it's easy, so I do just that until I get to his bedroom, where I lay him down and check for a temperature one more time, just in case. Nope. Knowing he's not ill actually worries me more. If he was sick, I'd know what to do. Get some medicine. But since he isn't, what in God's name IS the problem?! I take deep breaths and bring myself back to calmness. I can't freak out for two reasons. One, I want to stick by his side and if I stress myself out I may have to leave to clear my thoughts, and two... If I do, it just won't end well, let's say that. Though my Aura does not quite drive me to madness and chaos, if stressed, it can make me emotional. I'll put it that way for the time being. I glance over at Jesse and can't help but think about how calm he looks for once. I know it's bad that he's literally unconscious and I don't know if he'll wake up soon or not, but I can't help myself. My best friend, in a serene state, not causing any drama or destruction, just at ease, from what I know. It's a nice sight. It makes me appreciate him even more... In a friendly way, of course! Surely I cannot fall for the cowboy. He's too much of a polar opposite to me. I'm just a close friend, right..? I sit down and begin to think.

While McCree's resting, I can simply allow myself to truly think about all of this. Recently, I've shown more signs of love. I can't help the slight pink that sits on my cheeks when he laughs. Or the butterflies that flow through my body when we speak. Or how much my eyes light up when he says we're going out somewhere. They all lead to one thing. But at the same time, I don't want to love him. He's such a menace and frankly, a brat. Not to mention there's been many times where he's really gotten on my nerves. If he doesn't change, I can't see us in a relationship of any kind. Though I guess he is changing, right? I'm helping him with fighting his aura. God damn, these thoughts are all over the place. I don't get to think like this often. What I'm trying to get across is I think I have feelings for this boy, but I don't want to. Does that make sense? Does anything I say even make sense anymore..?

Just as I stop thinking about the most sporadic and random of things, I see Jesse's eyes speedily flutter open.

"Uh, Han..? What in God's name jus' happened? I can't remember a thing..."

Different Auras, Same Feelings - McHanzo Short Story (Not being continued!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora