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scoups: seriously though what are the perks of your place?

angelhani: the couch is slightly more comfortable than a park bench

scoups: a hard bargain

angelhani: a kitchen, a bathroom for you and your friends. A bedroom to share

scoups: your butt?

angelhani: only $300 a month. And it's within walking distance of several places to work

@angelhani: I'd like if you get a job ahead of time so I know you're not just surfing my couch :)

scoups: when are you free?

angelhani: open houses every day

scoups: are you open too ;)

angelhani: no I'm clenched shut cause you disgust me thanks

scoups: then why do you still talk to me ;)

angelhani: because I need a roommate and nobody else has replied yet :))))

scoups: have you considered posting nudes too? That'd draw people in

angelhani: how about i post your murdered body instead :)))

scoups: you can murder this dick

@angelhani: I'll just murder the block button

My Flower - jeongcheolOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz