scoups: this is us

angelhani: I already know what you look like moron

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angelhani: I already know what you look like moron

scoups: okay I'm actually here

angelhani: I'm at Bau House

scoups: isn't that a dog café

angelhani: yeah I figure if I'm meeting a bitch I should be around dogs

scoups: I love when you give me nicknames  ;)

angelhani: and I love when you fuck off :)))

scoups: hang on I see you I think

scoups: what the fuck are you doing?

scoups: did you just try to leave? You do realize I'm at the door right?

scoups: that excited to see me?

angelhani: choke

scoups: on your dick

My Flower - jeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now