angelhani: so are you actually interested in this place cause I actually got some offers already

scoups: I'm moving to town in a month, I can then

angelhani: well fuck
What can you offer that others can't??

angelhani: and if you say your dick I will actually delete your number

scoups: damn

scoups: but really I need this place
Me and my team need a place in order to make our future work

angelhani: how so?

scoups: we're a rap group
Seoul is kind of the hot place to be

angelhani: oh shit
You any good?


angelhani: hm

scoups: do I hear your panties dropping?

angelhani: you hear me thinking you're almost decent.

angelhani: you better write songs about me if I choose you

scoups: oh trust me, I already have ;)

My Flower - jeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now