Chapter 1

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It's only a matter of time before I break down again. I broke down in the girls restroom of the middle school almost everyday, every year until I got out. I didn't realize how much I hated school until the bullying got worse and worse.

I've been bullied since I was in elementary school. I was bullied mostly because I would sit under a shady tree and read the 'Harry Potter' series. People thought that was weird. I didn't. I even waited outside by my mailbox for my invitation to Hogwarts when I turned the age of acceptance. Of course, it never came, which made me pretty sad.

In middle school I was known as the 'nerdy girl', but that was because I cared about my grades and would sometimes read at lunch. For a while, I sat at the 'reject' table, as the 'populars' called it. I only knew that because their table was close enough to ours so their insults were audible. The worst one of all was Lucifer. Lucifer would always have a smug look on his face, have an arm around some slutty girl, and try his best to be 'badass.' To be the baddest boy in school, you would have to; do drugs on a daily basis and become high, drink as much alcohol until you can't bare it anymore, have a one night stand with girls almost every night, and break hearts faster than a tornado on a highway to nowhere.

I walk through the school hallways of my high school, trying to get to my first period class, which happened to be Algebra CP. That was probably the only college prep class I was taking. I was in all honors otherwise, I just didn't have a knack for math. All the numbers get jumbled up in my head and float around, making me dizzy. They were almost like a merry go round that kept spinning, spinning, and spinning.

I passed the unfamiliar faces of the other middle school that now know us in high school, and I passed some unwelcoming faces that I recognized from my old school. Nothing seems to change. Not even for a day. You would think they'd change over the summer, but no, no it doesn't.

Finally reaching my math class, I pull open the door and notice I was a little late and the only seat that wasn't taken was in the back.

The teacher looked stern, as I made my way to the back, but he had a kind smile in his eyes. I knew I could get along with this teacher.

What I didn't realize was I was sitting next to the one, the only, Lucifer Ramones.

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