Chapter 3

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Kayla POV

Whilst I was rushing home from my amazing day with Namjoon I was trying to think where I knew him from. Maybe we met at a party or I could have seen him on social media, I had no idea.

When I got back to my apartment I sprinted inside and jumped in and out the shower in the space of a minute. Luckily I had laid out my outfit in advance so I threw it on and ran back out the door getting in a cab and driving to the meeting. I did my makeup quickly and put my hair into a ponytail hoping I looked semi-perfesional.

By the time I had gotten to the restaurant the meeting had already started, and Mi-ah was not happy with me. I apologized making an excuse that I had a family emergency. I always felt bad when I used my family as an excuse because they live in another continent and if there was ever a real emergency I would not be able to get there in time, but clients wouldn't know that.

When the meeting finished me and Mi-ah got a cab back home. When we arrived at our apartment (we were roommates) Mi-ah dragged me inside by my ponytail and slammed me down onto the couch in our living room. She started screaming "You better have a good excuse for why you were so late tonight, you know how embarrassing it was just sitting there with the CEO!!"

"Well I met a guy,"  I said smiling.

"WHAT!! Tell me everything now" Her jaw dropped I had never seen her this shocked. I don't know why it wasn't like he was the first guy I had ever met.

"Not until you apologize for shouting at me" I crossed my arms and waited.

"Fine, sorry... Now spill!" she said jumping up and down.

"Ok!" I screamed energetically "First of all he was sooooo handsome, but not like dumb handsome but smart handsome."

"ok?" she said whilst gesturing me to carry on

"So you know I went down to that cafe we love, well it was really busy this morning but I really wanted to get a coffee and read my book, and I couldn't go back to our apartment because it was being cleaned. So I looked around and found a seat at the back of the room but there was a guy sitting at the table already. I asked him if I could sit there he said yes without even looking at me."

"He probably heard your accent," She said.

"Maybe, Well I went to order my coffee and whilst I was waiting I was trying to see his face but he was all covered up he had a mouth mask, hat and had a big laptop screen in front of him. We had been in the cafe for about 15 minutes when it emptied out, it was now just me and him. I was reading my book when he got up and ordered something at the counter. I noticed that his hat and mouth mask was on the table so I made sure to look at him when he came back, and I did and our eyes met, it was magical" I said with a smile

"Magical?" She said confused

"I don't know, it felt like it was just the two of us in the whole world. I can't explain it" I replied "Well carrying on, he was so handsome and had the cutest dimples but it didn't last long because he got embarrassed and looked away. When we sat down I knew he wanted to talk to me as he was making these weird noises. When he finally did speak to me we just, I don't know, clicked. We have so much in commmon, we both have the same favorite books and love to read, we both love meat and Korean knife noodle, we both love black, the internet and music and he works... wait I don't actually know what he does for a living" I said trying to remember if he had told me and I had just forgotten.

"OMG, he could be a serial killer for all we know," Mi-ah said whilst looking around to see if she could see anyone.

"I don't think he was a serial killer, relax. I've seen him somewhere before and if I had met a serial killer before I think he would have already killed me if he wanted too. The fact that we met today was just a coincidence so don't worry." I said whilst trying to calm Mi-ah down. " Come let's eat, we can order pizza," I said whilst going through our menu collection.

"PIZZA!" she screamed, I knew this would cheer her up. "Hey what's his name maybe I know him"

"Soz but can't tell you, we promised we would only tell one person that we met and we wouldn't tell them each other's names so we don't jinx it," I said with a smile whilst dialing the number to order our food.

When I finally got to bed it was just past 11 pm and I hadn't checked my phone all day. When I turned it on I realized I had gotten a text from Namjoon it said...

Namjoon: Hey Kayla I had a great time today and I wanted to know whether you are free tomorrow night. I know this great place down in Seoul that I think you will really enjoy 😊😊

I was imidiatly entriqued but disapointed when he said it was a secret but I was still excited to go on our date. We satyaed up all night texting but I had forggoten to ask him what he did I just wanted to make sure he wasn't a serial killer. He said he worked in the Entertainment buisness but after said he had to go and our coversation ended for the night.

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