That boys a monster Dirty

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Chapter 12

Andy Pov.

Damn! I mutter to myself as I watch alex hop over the fence and disappear into her yard. God! I can't believe that just happened. shaking my head

I strip off my shirt, enjoying the sun beaming down on my nautely toned body. I mean I'm not the best thing out there but defiantly not the

worst. I stretch and quickly towel dry myself, trying to ignore the hard-on I'm sporting making a tent in my shorts. Damn Alex! I breathe, thinking of her

curves and the way her hips sway when she walks. my cock twitch at that thought. "Fuck." I hisses, stroking myself lightly my hard on becoming almost painful.

without another thought I pad my way to the back door and let myself in unbuttoning my shorts making little more room for the little man.

Giving the house keepers a smirk and wink when both the middle age woman stare at my cock without shame. Chuckling I make my

way to my bathroom for a very very very cold shower. After I had um taken thing into my own hands. I get back to my laptop and

try refocusing my newest story. but my thoughts always seems to go back to her I mean the whole satuion is complicated she's 17 i'm 21 she's in high school

i'm in college even if that didn't matter which it does. Alex isn't the type of girl to stick to one guy I mean the last two year's I've lived next door

to her she's been well very busy so to speak. What the hell i'm I thinking debating with myself over some high school is just stupid. I

My heads spins as I abandoned my story yet again. deciding to go to the beach with a couple of friends maybe that will clear my head.

"Hey Andy!" Gabby screeches, waving me down. "hey." I call back, jogging up to her. "It's so good to see you." She screeches again

her 5'0 frame bouncing up to hug me. "You too." I say, with a chuckle ruffling her short brown hair. "So who's the girl this week?" Gabby ask, her brown

eyes sparkling with mischief. "Don't have one. Yet!" I say with a smirk. "Mm right, funny you've been smiling like a fool since you got here." she says with a

laugh. Shaking my head, Ignore her comment and jog out to join the Jeff and G boarding. "hey man." G shouts from his board, sporting tow blonde

chick on both side of him. "What the ladies, love an artist man." he says, smiling with dark brown hair covering his eyes.

"hey man.wassup?" Jeff calls out jogging toward us. "hey." We both say in unison. After about two hours of surfing. Jeff, G and I rejoin gabby at the table.

chowing down some tamales and ribs. "Damn that was good." G says with a burp. "Yeah it was." Jeff agrees, hugging gabby from behind. "Aww look it's the little

person and the giant." G says with laugh. as jeff 6'2 frame towers over gabby. "Shut it, G." Gabby snaps playfully sticking her tongue out at G. "Yeah yeah whatever."

G says mocking her voice. "Oh damn." G says, slapping me on the shoulder and nodding toward a girl in a little black and white bikini. "Nice ass." G comments

lifting his eye brows. yeah that ass look way to familiar. I think to myself. As the girl splashes around in the water with a brown haired guy. The boys tackles her and

takes her under water with him. After a few seconds the boy reappears, but one sight of the gir. His face pure shock and disbelief. "Alex." He shouts. he shouts

her name again and again but nothing The hair on the back of my neck stand up as I realize Alex My Alex! I rush to the water past the guy, my eyes searching for

her for any sign of her but nothing. Taking a breathe I dive in, The salt water sting my eyes as I swim farther down. No still no sign of her. My lunge beg for air

But i can't stop searching I have to find her! At the bottom I see her pushing myself off a near by rock, I jet to her lifting her into my arm

to swim to the surface. I finally See the light of the sun beaming down, Just a little longer just a little loner I beg my body not to give out on me now.

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