that boys a monster

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That Boys a monster

Chapter 13

*** Recap***

"Hello Miss Mac." An older nurses says checking my iv. "How are you feeling?" "My head hurts." I mutter, closing my eyes

trying to get back to sleep. "It'll take the drugs a few minutes to kick me honey." She says, patting my shoulder. I grunt, squeezing my

eyes shut.

"Alex?" A familiar voice whispers, along with an soothing hand stroking my cheeck lightly. "yea?" I mutter, snuggling into the

warmth. "How you feeling?" He asks, placing kisses on my forehead, brows, and cheeks. "Better now." I mutter, my lips

upturning into a grin.

*** *****

Two weeks after the hostipal.

School seemed to drag on and on, my heart, body, an soul seemed to be numb. the things that used to make me happy don't anymore. I just feel broken.

After andy visit to the hospital consfessing that he's going back to college and wants nothing more to do with me.

Yeah what a great ending to are story huh?

So here I am, finishing up the last horrid days of high school and going off to college in England.

"Hey Alex, there's this party tonight and-' Caleb starts giving me his best smile. "Thanks but no thanks." I mutter, heading to my car.

"Come on, Alex just forget about him." Caleb says, grabbing my arm. "I can't." I hiss pulling my arm from his grip.

"Funny! you did about me, about us." He says with a twisted smile. "It's not the same." I mutter, turning away from him. "SO what? Your one day with

him means that much to you? " "Shut up caleb." I screech, gaving the attention of the others student that are now staring.

"Whatever." He mutters, glaring at me and walking away.

At home

I lay on my bed, replaying 'our one day' what the hell is wrong with me? I'm never the one that ends up like this, heartbroke and stupid.

It's the other way around.

"Well Alex, that's just the way things work out sometimes." adam mutters though the phone, sighing when I ended my rant.

"Yeah i guess." He chuckles, "well at the least we'll be outta here come monday." he says, "Yup can't wait for college I say with a

laugh. "Hey i gotta go bye.' " okay bye." I mutter, hanging up the phone with a smile playing on my lips.

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