That Boys a monster: DIRTTY!

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Okay peeps Five votes and 3 comments & I'll upload the next cchapter/ =))))

Chapter 12


I saw blindly at the ceiling above wondering where I am and How I got here.

The uncomfy bed and over stuffed pillows gave me the answer! The hospital ?! I blinked away the moister in my eyes

and snuggling closer to my pillow.

"This is becoming a habit." Caleb's voice was a hoarse whisper in my ear. Sending chills up and down my arms.

My eyes opened to his staring back at me, with a hurt expression his face a grim mask. making him look twice his age.

"Yeah I guess." Choking out the last part, my throat begin to burn.

"Alex!" Caleb's voice a bit louder still the same pain in it. "You okay?" He ask, kneeling next to my bed. "Yea-" I try to

speak but the burning begins again. I nod, blinking back tears, as my throat inflames.

Caleb's calls for a doctor shouting out his urgency. My eyes drift open and close; Caleb's worried expression imprinted in my mind as I

fell into a deep sleep.


The Ocean water's warm on my ankles as I walk aimless on the shore taking in the peaceful surrounding Kids playing and family happily

gathered together. Wondering what it would be like If my father hadn't died. would we be one of the families on the shore, just

happy to be together?

I would be happy if he was still around. The only children memory I have was with him on this beach, us playing in the waves and

making sand castles. My four year old brain unable to realize the pain and hurt he was going though. he always made me happy

no matter what. Two months later My Mother and I were getting dressed for his funeral.

My tears fall in the masses and quietly sob, wiping my tears away and trying to regain my breath.

"Hey Alex." Caleb calls, I keep walking not in the mood to deal with his shit right now. "Hey Alex." He calls again, his foot steps

coming closer. "What's Wrong?" he ask, His dark brown eyes scanning my face. "Nothing." I mutter, wiping my eyes again.

"Really then why are you crying?" He ask, keeping pace with me. "I'm not." i mutter again, staring out into the ocean.

"Right!" Caleb says, then staying quite for a minute. "

Hey alex." Caleb shouts, "You ass!" I screech, wiping the salt water off my face.

"I know you love my ass." Caleb's says with a wink, turning around and posing. "YOu wish." i reply laughing

splashing water at him.

"Whatever babe you know you do." he says shaking his rear end. Making me laughing even harder.

"Sure I do." I mutter, giggling and splash more water at him. "I knew it." Caleb shouts, grinning.

"What ever." I say, spooning water up and dumping it on him.

"You little." Caleb shouts tacking me into the water.

The ocean water engulfs me, making me gasp in pain. I feel something hard against the

back of my head. Crimson liquid surrounds me, my eyes drift closed.


"Hello Miss Mac." An older nurses says checking my iv. "How are you feeling?" "My head hurts." I mutter, closing my eyes

trying to get back to sleep. "It'll take the drugs a few minutes to kick me honey." She says, patting my shoulder. I grunt, squeezing my

eyes shut.

"Alex?" My familiar voice whisper, along with an soothing hand stroking my cheeck lightly. "yea?" I mutter, snuggling into the

warmth. "How you feeling?" He asks, placing kisses on my forehead, brows and cheeks. "Better now." I mutter, my lips

upturning into a grin.


Mmm Guess who?? who's the mystery man?




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