Chapter One: My Childhood

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When I was 6 years old, I was sitting on the couch of my childhood home and watching some cartoons, not having a care in the world, I was unlike other 6 year olds, I was very well-behaved.

I was playing with my action figures and barbies, when our family friend Corey walked through the front door with my dad.

"Hey, Pops!" I said

"How was your day kiddo?" my dad said

"Good to see you" Corey said

My dad left to talk to my mom in the kitchen while Corey and I was in the living room.

'Blue prints of house'

I was starting to shift in my seat because I was getting bored.

And then Corey said something, "Hey kiddo, wanna go somewhere with me?"

I said, "Sure, but I have to tell my dad first" I spoke as I was getting off of the couch

"You don't have to tell him, if your with me tour fine" he said as he put a hand on my shoulder

"Ok, but only if he's ok with it" I said as I went and got my shoes on and waited at the door with my stuffed animal bear

"Can Mr. Bear come too?" I asked as I held him up from the arm

"Sure he can, as long as he stays with you" Corey said

"Yay! We can go to the park and go down the slides!" I said as we walked out the door to the park


As Corey and I was walking to the park, I was pretending that Mr. Bear was walking by himself by dragging his feet along the sidewalk, when we got there, I went to the playplace and was going down the slide over and over again as Corey was sitting on a bench.

I was gonna show Corey a trick, "Corey, check this out!" I then weny down the slide on my stomach, head first.

I was going to fast, I flew off the slide and scraped my chin and my hands.

I ran to Corey crying and he got up and came to check up on me, "Hey, let's go back home to clean you up" he said as he patted my back.

We started walking in a direction, I didn't remember if it would take us back home, " Are we going in the right direction?" I asked as I looked around.

"Yeah, we're going in the right direction, where just going in a different way" he said as we where starting to go into a mean looking neighborhood

"I don't feel save in this neighborhood . . ." I said as I clutched Mr. Bear closer to me

"It's all gonna be ok kiddo" he said as I turned around to look behind me

As I turned around, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head, I fell over and but my free hand on the back of my head and pulled it back and saw blood, I was so scared, I wanted to scream, but I couldn't, I felt another sharp pain again but in my back, I felt my bones break and my ribs shatter and puncher my lungs, I could breath, I turned to look at Corey, and he was holding a crowbar, my head got light and my vision was starting to go black and I lost consciousness, I didn't know what happened, it was so strange, why did he do that? I didn't that I had died, I only knew it hurt a lot.

It was black, and cold there was a light that was down a hallway, the other way was dark and filled with fog, I heard two voices talking, them seemed like they were arguing over something, then I heard my name.

"Hello? Where am I? I'm scared, I want my mommy and daddy?"

"Shhh! She might hear us Chuck" came a low voice

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