Chapter Three: One dies another is born

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We where expecting my sister soon, we had everything ready: the bag, dippers, bottles, you name it, but we weren't expecting this. . . . . .

Mom: "Sweetheart?"

"Yeah mom"

"Can you go get your father, I think she's coming."

I gasped and ran for the garage.

"Dad! She's on the way!"

With that, my dad ran to get the bag, I ran to help my mom into the car.

It was a 5 minute drive to the hospital.

We got there right on time.

"Mr. Jones and Miss. Jones, your mother is in the delivery room, you can go see here, she'll need your help.

We got scrubs and went into the room. I stayed were I couldn't see my mom's lady parts and me and my dad were holding her hands, helping her push.

She wasn't really doing well, one of the nurses was trying to get her to relax.

The next thing I knew was, I was hearing a baby crying.

The doctor handed her to my dad, I looked down at my mom, I was still holding her hand. Her heart rate monitor was slowing down.

"Sweetheart, it's-ok-to-let-go" she said that in between breaths.

"Mom, are you ok?"


"Mom? Its not what I think it is? Please don't" I was tearing up, I knew what that meant.

With that, her heart stopped, no sound, but the white line of the monitor.

I looked over to my dad, he was in shock, but he was crying too.

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Like they say: One dies another is born. . . . .

The Fate Of Two Skeltons: Robbie Reyes x Alejandra JonesWhere stories live. Discover now