Chapter 11: There following me . . . .

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Alejandra told Gabe what was going on. Then she said she had to go.

At Shield - - - - -

Agent Coulson hung up the phone 

"Who is Alex?" asked Coulson

"No one. Leave her out of this!" yelled Robbie

"Well, she seems to not be just a no one" said Coulson

"She's my friend, ok" said Robbie calming down

"Does she know what you are?" asked Coulson

"No, I'll never tell her" said Robbie

"Why?" asked Coulson

"She's been my friend before I became the Rider, I don't want to hurt her." said Robbie looking down

"Well, we think she's dangerous" said Coulson

"What do you mean Dangerous?" said Robbie

Coulson just left and talked to someone in the other room

"LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS!" yelled Robbie

Alejandra P.O.V.- - - - -

"Come on, Robbie where are you?" said Alex to herself

She pulled up to a red light and looked around, she then saw a red 1962 Chevrolet Corvette with the two guys looking over at her and talking, one of then pointing.

She then got into the right lane and turned, the car following her

She was far ahead of them, but they where still following her

She lost them around a corner and went to her grandfathers graveyard

"Hey Sweetheart" said Carter Slade

"Hey Grandpa" said Alex

"You here to see them again?" asked Slade

"Yeah, just going through some stuff" said Alex

Slade nodded and left back inside

"Hey Alex" said someone behind her

"Johnny, I don't want to talk" said Alex

"Come on Alex" said Blaze as he walked up to Alex next to the gate into the graves

Alex turned around and pushed Johnny

"Johnny, can't you just leave me alone!" yelled Alex almost in tears

Alex walked into the graves and went to her Mother and Fathers grave, and prayed

After she was calmed down and finished praying, she went home

She parked her motorcycle in the  driveway and went inside, not knowing that Shield was right down the street watching her, waiting to catch her.

The Fate Of Two Skeltons: Robbie Reyes x Alejandra JonesWhere stories live. Discover now