Chapter Seven: Please, No

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I was watching my sister, we were watching barbies dream house, my step-mother was out and my dad was out to, I didn't want him going out, since I knew he was going to a bar, I'm not old enough yet, I'm only 18 now.

I went to make my sister some popcorn when the house phone rang, "Hello? Is this Mrs Jones?"

"Umm, it depends, I'm a Jones"

"There's been an accident with Mr Jones, you need to come to the hospital right away"

With that, I just froze, the popcorn stopped and my sister was telling me to hurry up,  I told her that we needed to go somewhere.

I got the little pink bicycle helmet with flowers in it out off the garage and grabbed my keys and got on my motorcycle and helped my sister into the side car that i attached.

"Where are we going?" Said my sister

"Where going to see daddy, ok"


When we got there, we ran to his room, they told me that he wasn't going to make it, I had to break it to my sister.

"Hey, daddy's going to have to go away soon, ok"

"Why,  is he gunna come back?"

"He's going to work in the ground, he was to be brought there in a box, it's VERY hard to get him back out, ok"

"Why a box?"

"Cause its the safest way to, people might be crying ok"


"Can you tell daddy you love him and give him a hug and kiss?"


With that my sister did those things and I did to, I told the nurse to call me if he goes.

The next day he passed, and my 'mom' alrighty joined a dating website.

The next month, we had his funeral, and my step-moms new 'boyfriend' was there to,  I was wearing what I usually wear and stood under a tree. It was raining.

I got my sister ready earlier in a black dress with a belt of grey flowers on it, I gave her a hat that was a big gey flower and a little black unbrella with lace around it.

I called Gabe to tell him, he wanted to come to help me, Robbie came with him. I gave my unbrella to Gabe.

"How's it going? Robbie asked

"I'm not sure yet"

"Is SHE alright?"

"I haven't really told her about death yet"

"Is not realy easy, huh"

"Yeah. . ."

"Well, I hope your ok"


With that it ended,  and we went home, Gabe went home early with his friend, so Robbie asked if I wanted a ride, I agreed.

He drove me home to my house in his car( it's a realy nice car)

The Fate Of Two Skeltons: Robbie Reyes x Alejandra JonesWhere stories live. Discover now