Chapter Ten: He What?

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Alejandra went inside and went to bed

She woke up to her sister knocking on her door

"Alex! I'm hungry! Mom and Dad are gone somewhere." said Izzy

"Ok,ok. I'm up, i'm up." She got up and washed her face and headed down stairs

She saw her sister at the counter bar and touched her back, "You ok? Mom and Dad are gone more and more?"

"Yeah, i'm ok, can i have pancakes?"

"Sure thing little lady"

Alex made her and her sister pancakes and ate them

Her sister wanted to play with her friend, so she called her sisters friends parents to see if they can watch her, they said yes 

"Come on Izzy, they said you can spend the night"

"Yay!" said Izzy

She went outside and got her sisters small pink helmet and stood next to her motorcycle

"Ok, I'm ready" said Izzy who had a little pink bag

"Ok Izzy" Alejandra picked her sister up and helped her on the bike

She got on her bike and drove off to her sisters friends house

A couple minuets later, Alejandra got off her bike and helped her sister off the bike and inside and stayed a while to make sure her sister is ok

"Ok, I need to go and see someone"

'Ok, shes save with us, she can spend the night, she can spend the whole week if you need to'

"Ok, Izzy, Thank you"

"Ok, bye"

She hugged her little sister and got back on her bike and headed to Robbie's house

A couple minutes later she got to Robbie's house

"Hey! Alex what are you doing here?" said Gabe

"Robbie said to come over yesterday. Did he not tell you?" asked Alejandra

"He didn't come home last night. I though you would now where he is" said Gabe

"Oh, do you know where he could be?" asked Alex

"No clue" said Gabe

Alex just went and sat on the couch

"But-he didn't tell you yet didn't he"

"Tell me what?"

Gabe had a smile on his face "He likes you"

(chokes on spit)"He What?"

"I've been trying to get him to tell you"



"Cause, I also like him"

Gabe gasped and looked at Alejandra

"Gabe, don't. I swear to god"

"I don't care, I'm glad that someone good is gonna be in his life"

"I just don't want him to see me differently"

"He might tell you first, or, i'll just keep saying jokes about you too"


"Come on, I might be your future brother-in-law"


"HA HA HA, he might be with this girl though, I think her name is. . .  Daisy Johnson?"

Alejandra heard that name before, back at the junkyard 

(Flashback) "Is Robbie Reyes here?" said Daisy

"Where closing, but i can take your name" said Alex

"It's Daisy, Daisy Johnson"

(End of Flashback)

"Yeah, I now her" said Alex

"Really? How"

"She stopped at the junkyard last night"

"Shit" said Gabe

"I'll try calling him"

"Good idea"

Alejandra got out her phone and called Robbie. Him picking it up, but it wasn't him

"Hello? Who is this" said someone

"Who the fuck is this, and why do you have Robbie's phone!" said Alejandra

"I'll be asking the same thing, who is this"

"The person who will rip out your lunges if you don't tell me where Robbie is"

"Oh really? And how would you be able to do that"

"I'll find you and rip them out myself"

"What do you mean"

"Thats cute, now, tell me where Robbie is"

"Robbie's here, we just need to see if he's good to go, but we can also come get you"

"Where's HERE?"

The Fate Of Two Skeltons: Robbie Reyes x Alejandra JonesWhere stories live. Discover now