{ Olivia }

388 11 6

Nighttime had passed through easily, I hadn't heard a peep out of Shayne since so I quickly found myself drifting off to sleep.


I was awoken with a loud thud, in a weary stir, I quickly passed it off as one of my parents falling out of bed again.

I'd rolled over, pulling my blanket up and over my shoulder and just as I was about to drift back to sleep..

I remembered.

I was home alone..

My eyes shot open, my body still as I listened intently, trying to hear the noise again.

I heard it, several times, somehow quickening.

I wasn't sure what it was but, I'd quickly gotten up and out of bed, slipping on my silk robe and grabbing my phone.

I'd turned on my touch before beginning to wander through the dark corridors of my house and quickly made my way to the staircase.

Descending the stairs I heard something, music?

At first, my initial thought was it was some creepy nursery rhymes, like in the horror movies.

But the closer I got to the bottom floor, the more familiar the sound became.

I immediately shed my fearful exterior as I'd noticed something obnoxiously obvious.

Shayne was having a party next door, no doubt it was some of his friends throwing things into my roof again.

I'd quickly stormed over there, loudly banging on the door until Shayne answered.

"What's up, Sleeping beauty?" Shayne hummed, the harsh smell of alcohol on his breath.

"Your guests are throwing shit at me house!" I called, clearly angry.

"What? No they're not."

I gave him an aggravated look before grabbing him by his collar and ripping him outside.

I dragged him out to his front lawn, where he had a good view of the sides of both of our houses.

"You see?" I groaned, gesturing to the egg splatter that covered my roof.

"God, are those my eggs?" He called, seemingly distraught.
"Okay, Fine, ill handle this- HEY! YOU!" He yelled, storming away from me.

I watched, feeling weary and yet pleased as he scolded these strangers.

They shrugged, climbing down from Shaynes roof and into the back yard.

Finally, I can get some sleep.


It felt like I'd only just shut my eyes when suddenly I was ripped from sleep, again.

"Oh come on! I have school in the morning!" I groaned, pulling myself from bed and ripping open the curtains.

I was angry, I ripped up my window and stuck my head out, staring up to Shayne's roof.

Quickly, my anger dissipated as I saw no one was up there.

That's weird, I just heard the-

Another bang.

This one sounded closer, like it was coming from the attic floor, not the roof.

I felt my hairs stand on edge as I scrambled for my phone.
I dialled Shayne, being too frightened to move.

After a few rings, he finally picked up, shouting into the phone.

"Ssh!-" I called, "Shayne, I'm scared.." I whispered as quietly as possible.

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