} Shane {

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I let out a sigh, staring down to the floor of my kitchen.

I was allowed to leave early with Olivia on the counts of what happened the other night.

She sat on my couch, staring into nothing and I had a feeling she'd be staying for a while.

"Uh, I made a fruit bowl" I murmured, for some reason unsure on how to tread.

"Like, a bowl of diced fruit or..?"

"Yeah, want some?"

For a split second she didn't look scared, she looked calm, I'm not sure why but that feeling resonated with me.

I walked over, sitting beside her and having the bowl between the two of us.

Content, she had some and seemingly forgot about the world.
I watched her, fixated and lost, knowing what she'd been through.

It was silent, just me gazing at her and her eating.
"Hey Liv." I choked, quickly regaining myself.

She looked up at me, "'Mm?" As she choked down on another bite of fruit.

"I know for some time we haven't exactly seen eye to eye but.. I'll always protect you."

She let out a gentle smile, moving the fruit bowl to the coffee table and scooching up under my arm.

I felt my heart jerk into a race as she cuddle up to me, I gulped, not ever expecting this moment to be real, then I closed my eyes.

She gently rested her head on my shoulder, nestling into my neck, and I in return gently rested my head on hers.
Arm around her and just overall contentment.


I woke up to a thud, my eyes wearily opened as I saw Olivia still asleep on me..

I quickly brushed off the noise as my roommate coming home, when I noticed it was late.

I sighed, gently laying Olivia's head into a cushion  and pulling a thin blanket over her before walking around.

I was still tired, making my way upstairs.

"Noah?" I called, running my eyes as I looked into the rooms.

I heard what sounded like drawers opening followed by rummaging.

"Noah if you're looking for your stupid certificate it's down-" I froze, my gaze being met with someone who was not Noah.

This guy has bright orange hair and looked at me with surprise.

"What are you doing in my house?" I called, angrily.

"Oh, I'm sorry did I wake you?" He said, oddly calm.

"Answer my question."

"Uh, Noah sent me." He states.
"He wanted me to find his certificate."

My eyebrow raised. "Noah sent you? Do you know where he is?"

"Yeah, he's just staying at my friends house for the night, he's got something big on tomorrow so.." the guy nodded.

"Mm, what's your name?"

"Uh, my friends call me Lasercorn."

"Okay, that's a weird name. Now can you get out of my house?"

"Uh, sure thing."

"I'll bring you the certificate, just wait outside."

A few moments passed and I had gone through the drawers downstairs and retrieved Noah's certificate and brought it to the guy.

"Now, Lasercone.."


"Yeah, whatever. Can you tell Noah to call me next time someone's coming around."

"Oh, I thought he did. Sorry."

"Yeah. Have a good night."
With that I closed the door, turning to Olivia who was just waking up.

"Who was that?"

"Just one of Noah's friends, don't worry."

"Yeah, he sounded familiar." She smiled.

"I know, well do you want to watch a movie?"

"Sure." She shrugged, it was nearly 11 at night but, anything to keep her mind straight.

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