{ Olivia }

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For this one, at some point in school Olivia and Noah talk and Noah tells her that when Shayne came over the front door was unlocked.

"How do you think Shayne got in?" He stated, my brows raised.

"What? I don't know. The front door?"

"And how'd he get in the front door if you'd locked it from the inside."

Stressed, tapping my pen against my desk, as I waited for the clock to strike 11:30.

I couldn't stop thinking about this morning, Shayne was so.. nice?

I let out a sigh of relief as the familiar bells filled the air and I darted from my seat and fled into the halls, eagerly awaiting to see my best friend.

I just, couldn't shake Shayne from my head.

I slowly watched as the crowds dissipated and it best friend slowly came into view.

"Courtney!" I called with a worried look, as I approached her she grabbed me, pulling me into a hug.

"Jesus, are you okay?"

"Huh?" I mumbled, pulling from the hug.

"I heard about what happened last night, are you okay?"

"Last nigh- oh." I completely forgot, someone was IN my house..
"Yeah, I'm fine." I shrugged, "it was probably just in my head."

"What?" She muttered.

I have her a curious look.. "what?" I doubled.

"You didn't know?"

"What, didn't know what?"
She paused, shaking her head.
"What do you know that I don't.?"

"Well, last night.. you locked all your doors, right?"

"Yes" I rolled my eyes, "and windows. Again, I'm not stupid!"

"That's not what I'm saying."

"Then.. What is?"

"Well, last night.." she huffed. "do you think Shayne got in?" He stated, my brows raised.

"What? The.. front door?"

"And how'd he get in the front door if you'd locked it from the inside."

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