Resurrect the Sun

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"WAKEY, WAKEY! EGGS AND DEAD PIGGIES!" I'm startled awake by CC screaming directly in my ear, I shoot him a look "What do you want?" I seethe "More episodes of Sherlock, My band to go world famous and a pony, preferably a Gothic pony." he smiles at me "Good to know, now what do you want?" I've never been good at waking up "For you to wake up, we have something in the living room." CC walks, no skips away to the living room, before he reaches the door he looks back "Happy two A.M!" and he continues to the living room, how does he have so much energy at two A.M?

I sigh and get dressed in my bunk, in a very awkward way, then leave to the living room "Nice to see you up!" Andy greets "Why did you wake me up at two in the morning? And why are you guys up at two in the morning?" I ask "We do this for every new comer to the crew!" Ashley yawns, as Jinxx holds out a metallic blue gift bag stuffed with black tissue paper "You wake them up at two A.M to give them a gift?" I question "Yup!" Dan says "I got socks and a BVB band tee." Luke points at his shirt "I see." I grab the bag and than the guys for the gift, I grab one piece of tissue paper, and place it on my head "Thank you for the turban!" I say joyfully "That's not all! keep going through the turbans!" Sam tells me, I keep going until at the bottom of the bag, I see two T-shirts, one is BVB, the other is My Chemical Romance "Thanks guys! How did you know I  liked MCR?" I ask  "Andy stole your phone and looked through your music play list, and found a lot of MCR." CC leaks, and Andy gives him a playful slap "You weren't supposed to tell her that!" Andy whispers loudly, we all laugh, but then I think something "How did you get my pass code?" I ask "It's one two three four, I got it first try." I knit my eyebrows "Thanks, I'm going to change it now." I laugh "Before you go change you're password, you'll want to check your twitter!" CC tells me, I take my phone out of my back pocket, and see I'vebeen tagged by @BVBofficial (sorry if I mess the entire thing about twitter up, I don't have it, so, sorry) @BVBofficial ready to wake up @Tron_loves Andy? "Really? Tron loves Andy? Thanks guys." I joke "Yeah, I changed it." Andy laughs "I can tell." I laugh "Oh, change of plans for today, since our driver is awesome, we're going to have a full day at the venue today, so we can just mess around." Jinxx informs me happily "Nice! now can I go back to bed now?" 

"Yeah, we should all go back to bed." Dan agrees, we all get up and head over to the bunks, and I fall back asleep, still in my clothes.


 "Are we there yet?" CC asks for the thousandth time in the last hour "no" Ash replies


"No." I moan


"Yes." Andy doesn't even bother to look up from his phone as he answers

"Really?" CC asks sounding exited 

"No." Andy sighs "Actually we're five minutes to the venue." Jinxx walks in from talking to the driver "YES! I'M ALMOST DONE WITH SITTING ON A BUS WITH CC ASKING STUPID QUESTIONS!" Jake yells, flinging his arms up "Has it been five minutes yet?" CC asks, we all shoot him a glare and CC just smiles "Has it?" 

"NO!" We all yell in union "That wasn't creepy at the slightest..." I mutter sarcastically "Not at all." Ashley agrees.

The bus stops and CC stands up "We're here?" He questions excitedly "Yes, we're here." I look out the window and see a large grassy field, CC runs out the door, me at his heels "THE ABUNDANCE OF GRASS!" I scream as loud as I can while running around with my hands in the air. I sit down a long ways away from the bus, I cross my legs and pull at the grass "CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC!" I look up to see Christian running up to me, flailing his arms about, chanting his name "Hi Tron." CC sits down in front of me, breathing heavily from running around for the last ten minutes.

I pick some grass and throw it in his face "Unicorn magic." I look at CC, just as he trows grass at me "I don't want it." CC pouts "You two look like two toddlers playing in a sandbox!" Jinxx yells as the rest of the guys and him are walking over, I grab two more hand fulls of grass and CC follows my lead "On three?" He asks me, I nod and stand up "one..." CC says quietly beside me "What do you two have planed?" Jake honestly looks near horrified, I smirk and the guys stop "two..." CC murmurs, the guys turn around and begin to run "THREE!" I scream, CC and I sprint to catch up to them, I chuck one of my hand fulls at Ash, he screams as if I'd slapped him or something, and falls to the ground, I see Jake following his lead as CC throws his grass at him, I run up to Andy which is hard seeing as he has gazelle legs and throw half a hand full at him, He falls to the ground with the others "I WILL AVENGE YOU ANDY!" before I could react Jinxx throws grass at me from behind, I fall down and thrown my last bit of grass at him before gathering more grass and shoving it in to the pockets of my hoodie.

"I WILL NOT BREAK!" I get back up by doing a backwards somersault and everyone else gets back up as well and it becomes a fit of grass and various movie quotes that are supposedly intimidating.


Hi guys! just saying, if you're reading Ender_girl's story, you might see a grass fight as well *oops spoilers!* just saying, don't hate either of us, our friend llamathefangirl wanted to see how we both played it out, so we both did a grass fight!


Hermescamper, OUT!

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