Fallen Angels

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I wake up to the sound of conversation in the living room. Strange I think, normally I wake up a good two hours before the rest of the guys, with the exception of Sam and Dan, they normally wake up at eight, an hour after me.

"So, Tron's a prodigy?" I hear CC snort. Andy told them? Or did Dan tell them? I continue to sit quietly in my bunk, listening to the conversation.

"Wow, tech geek much? And I thought she might've been cool!" Ash teases. Tears threaten to spill as I remember high school, hearing those words as I walked down the halls, sometimes even having calculators thrown at me... That's why I liked Tron so much, I hate the petty nickname now, but after seven years of liking it, insisting on people calling me it, it stuck. The same thing happened to Hulk, people began to tease her too about being on the wrestling team, one time, at a party someone painted her face green in her sleep. God I miss Hulk.

"I know! That's what I thought! And we have to put up with this for another month!" Jake whines. I feel a tear drip down my face. And so the cycle starts again.

"Wake up! Tron!" I'm shaken awake in a cold sweat, tears streaming down my face. "You okay?" Andy asks from beside me, I look over and see CC and Jake there too. I nod stiffly "Just a bad dream." I croak "Well, we could see that." CC remarks sarcastically, lightening the mood.

"You want to talk about it? It seemed pretty bad..." Jake asked, I shake my head. Thank God it was just a dream, I don't know what I'd do if it weren't. "I'll be fine. What time is it?" I ask.

"Around six A.M, you woke us up." Andy answers "Sorry, you guys get back to sleep, I don't think I can." The guys nod, walking back to their bunks.


"Morning guys." I mumble, hardly glancing at Jinxx and CC due to the fact that I'm playing video games "AH! I'm dying! Nasty men! Nasty men!" I screech as two ogres run out of the forest and begin beating the crap out of me.

"Dude, you're going to wake the rest of the guys up." CC laughs from beside me "Oh, It's ten in the morning, they'll be up any minute now." I joke "True." Jinxx shrugs.

"Morning." Andy yawns as he walks in the back lounge where CC, Jinxx and I were playing Mario cart "NO!" Jinxx yells as he falls off rainbow road for the thousandth time. "Serves you right! I'm in third now!" I boast "Well, it seems that you two are being very rude to Andy here." CC sighs as he pauses the game, Jinxx and I shout for him to turn it back on, but he just turns to Andy "How are you this fine morning?"

"Tired, but today is our first officially marked day off, and we're pretty close to a rock climbing place, so I was wondering who wanted to go climb walls covered in plastic lumps?" Andy offered, I remember my dad used to take me rock climbing before the fire. He would take me to a canyon sometime when he worked as a canyoneer and would let me go with the group, slowly making my way under ground in the canyon.

I was snapped out of my thoughts "Tron? Hello? You here? You okay?" Andy, CC and Jinxx were looking at me with worried expressions, when I realized I was on the verge of tears. "Fine. It's just that my dad would take me rock climbing a lot, and I was remembering him." That's about when I remembered, they don't know what happened to my family. No one does. I mentally facepalm myself, I really don't want to go in to this.

"What happened to your dad?" CC asks "Long story, one that would end with me in tears. On another note, yeah, I'm in for rock climbing!" I try to enthuse, but it sounds fake, even to me.


"We're here!" Andy calls as we pull on to the rock climbing place. My hands are staring to shake, though I'm smiling, I jump out of the car before anyone would notice "Let's go!" I call, stretching out the "O" sound, and begin running in to the building.

I wait at the door for the guys before walking in. "Hello, how many are climbing today?" The man at the front of the desk asks, Andy looks back at the group "I'll pay for myself." I tell the man, He smiles.

"Okay," He punches a few things in to the machine in front of him while Andy and a few of the guys give me looks that say why can't you just be like everyone else and let us pay?! I stick my tongue out at them. The man gives me the price and I pay, and wait for him to do the same with Andy.

"Just that way." He points to a glass door at the end of the hall way, The guys begin to walk over to it, while I skip along in front of them, getting some laughs out of them. We get some looks from people, I can see why: The classic "Emo" girl, skipping in front of a rock band. Like a boss.

"Do you guys need help?" I laugh as I watch the guys struggle to remember the instruction on how to put on the harness "Um, yeah... That be nice..." Jake looks up "Agreed." Jinxx says as he continues to fiddle with the Tightening straps.

"Well, first, Jake, CC and Ash. You have yours on backwards. Andy your legs are in the wrong parts, you're supposed to wear them like pants. And Jinxx, you're pulling the wrong way to tighten it." I laugh "Witch craft!" CC hisses, we all laugh "Your welcome!" I enthuse, walking to the room with the rock climbing walls.

This is going to be fun.



Not really, but my second account is not going to be in full use! I'm making books on there like short stories that didn't make the cut for a full book on here, awesome websites, and more! (there's a link to that account in my bio, or just search "people" then "herescamper2")

That's about it!

Hermescamper, OUT!

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