Youth and Whiskey

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"Are you sure that these things are safe, Tron?" Jake asks nervously, I smirk "I've only ever seen a... few... people's rope snap." I tell him without looking at him, instead at the worker assigned to our group.

The worker assigned to us rolls his eyes, and smiles at us "Don't worry, our ropes here can hold two baby elephants." He enthuses, though it sounds forced. I'm not surprised, I'd hate saying the same thing, over and over and over again for who knows how long.

"So, I'm Sean! Now that you have your harnesses on, you'll be assigned to an anchor, a rope holder and a coil-er." Sean goes on about what those positions are, what'll happen etc. etc.

"I'm going to give you a number, there's going to be a wall with that number painted on it, you go there, after that your group will take care of you," Sean points to me "What's your name?" He asks.

"Payton, everyone calls me Tron." I answer "Tron, your in group three." He tells me, I nod and start to the far back wall painted blue with a large, red three painted on it. "Hello!" I'm greeted with distate by a thin brunette wearing bright pink short-shorts and an even brighter (if possible) pink top with far to much glitter.

"I'm Sierra," She points to herself "This is my boyfriend, Craig." She emphasizes the word boyfriend, pointing to a tall guy with an all blue outfit "And Joe." She finishes, giving me a glare at the end. What did I do wrong? Oh, I see she thinks I'm an "Emo" heh, as if there's such thing as an "Emo"

"Let me guess," I start, pointing to Craig "You're the anchor." I turn to Sierra "You're the rope handler. And Joe is the coiler." I get a look of confusion from Craig "How'd you know?" 

"Well, You're tall, and your hands are calloused and black from holding the rope, and I guessed for Sierra and Joe." I chuckled "So you know what we have to do and everything?" Joe asks, I nod.

"Good, that saves us about fifteen minutes." Joe sighs "My dad was a canyoneer, so the same basic stuff." 

"Well, are you going to climb?" Sierra asks rudely "Yeah." I walk over to the wall, Craig hands me a rope, which I attach to my harness myself before he can, and walk up to the wall "You guys ready?" I ask, Joe looks at the rest of them, they nod to him "Yeah, we're ready." Joe tells me.

I look up at the wall, I notice that around the middle it goes in on an angle, then back out and straight again. Well, that should be something new...

I begin climbing, one rock after another, I don't even notice I'm on the inward angle until I have to go on to moving up the outwards angle.

That's about when my breathing becomes shallow, I take deeper breathes and focus on grabbing the next rock, but I can't find one that I can reach. I try grasping one a bit far off to the side, but I end up falling off the wall, I panic. What if Craig can't hold it? Thankfully, I simply swing back on to the wall where I just was. I continue climbing, After I fall it takes roughly a minute to read the top "Can you grab that pole at the top for me?" Joe asks from the ground, I nod, smiling.

I grab the pole, and look straight down at them, I didn't notice how high up I was. I feel adrenalin rush through me, I love being high up! I hold back a chuckle "We're going to bring you down! Just Put you feet on the wall, and hold on to the rope!" Sierra calls up to me, I do as she says and they slowly let me down. I'm unattached from the wall, but am told to keep my harness on.

"Wait, you're already done, Tron?" I look at the wall beside me to see Ash just about to start climbing. "Yeah, get jelly!" I joke, he gives me a smile and begins to climb.

"Do you want to go to the high rops course?" Joe asks, I nod "Sure, why not?" I agree "Follow us." Sierra tells me, distaste clear in her voice. The three begin to walk towards a door leading outside.

When we reach outside, I see a large ropes course in the shape of a triangle, on one side thirty feet up is a log attached to the frame by chains, above that -forty feet up- is a wooden bridge, swaying in the wind. On the other side is two cords, one to walk on, the other to hold on to. And the last side has wooden swings. I look over at my group "You can choose what you want to do." Sierra tells me.

I take a moment, looking at all of them, but the bridge keeps distracting me, it's constantly swinging back and fourth in the wind, I grin. I think it'll be fun to be forty feet up, on nothing but a row of wooden slabs, held up by nothing but two wires, why not? 

I look at the three "I think I'll go for the bridge. It looks fun." I tell them,   I get a few looks, Sierra looks at me as if she's about ready  to ask where the nearest mental asylum is, Craig gives me a smile, and Joe stares at me wide-eyed. "A-alright then. I'll go get the stuff." Sierra says, stretching the "a" sound; she must think I've lost it. Fantastic.

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I need to make my authors note longish so I'll have 1000 words!

So, I'm working on a little something, it won't be up for a while (Maybe for 200 followers?) 

Speaking of 200 followers count stuff, for that I'm putting up a contest, however, we're still 49 people away... so yeah, I'll quit my rambling, we're at 1000 words...

Hermescamper, OUT!

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