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"Dan!" I yell over the wind "Yeah?!" he yells back "This isn't a greatest place to talk!" I point out "Yeah, I see that now, so I'm going to make this quick." he Yells at me, rubbing the back of his neck, I turn to face him, but my hair smacks him in the face "OW!" I place my hands over mu mouth to muffle my laughter before pulling my hair back in to a rather messy ponytail "Sorry!" I laugh "S'okay! Now as I was saying, after tour, you're going to have to live in Cali with us, we can't stop at your home again, there's been a flood!" Dan gives me a sorrow full look my face drops, though I wasn't going to live with Alessa I was still hoping to live in that town "But, I mean you won't have to live near your adopted mom! That's a plus, right?!" I nod "I guess." 

"What?! I can't hear you over the wind, I'm sorry!" Dan yells "I said, I guess!" I pull a smile, though its fake, Dan seems to believe it.

"Oh, also, there's going to be a welcome home party after tour, at one of the band's friends house!" I nod "Alright!" I nod.

We sit there for a while after talking, just watching the Fields going by, I try to name them but after a while my mind wonders else where.

I hear someone opening the skylight beside me, I jump a bit, and look over "Hey! I found em'" Andy tells someone "Mind if I join? I'm currently standing on Jake." he chuckles "Please say yes, Andy weighs as much as a baby walrus!" I hear Jake's muffled voice. I look at Dan, he nods and I wave Andy up.

Andy closes the skylight "Hey." he greets, but it gets lost in the wind "You have to speak up, it's impossible to hear anyone up here!" I inform "Hi!" he repeats, louder this time "HEy, Andy?" I ask he nods "Have you told anyone about my whole prodigy situation?" I ask, he looks confused for a second before remembering the situation that seems to be so long ago now. "No, why do you ask?!" 

"I don't know, I've been having dreams about it, you guys starting to tease me about it!" I feel Dan wrap his arms around me "S'okay, kid! We won't tell anyone!" I look back at him and smile "thanks guys!" Andy shifts uncomfortably, a worried look on his face "Let's go back in the bus! he suggests I nod and stands up slowly, the others following my example.

"Morning guys." I smile, walking in to the living room where everyone was sitting, watching some cartoon. I'm greeted with various replies and questions "Where the heck were you?"

"What were you doing with Dan?"

"Were you really on the roof?"

"Want some coffee?" I sigh "The roof, talking, yes and no thank you." I reply all in one breath then smile. 

Just then the other two walk in, being greeted by the rest of us. "Hey guys, what were you guys talking about?" Dan asks, a few glances are shared across the room until Jinxx looks up at him "Tron's home town flooding." He replies, Sam smack his chest as if to say You idiot! Don't remind her! I look down, why is this flood bothering me so much? I'll never have to deal with Alessa again! Then it dawns on me, Hulk. Her grave is still there, all the secret hide-outs we made. Gone. "I'm going to go get something from my bunk." I pull a smile and walk away, ignoring the question I'm getting.

I climb up in to my bunk and push in my ear buds, blasting the music, hoping to forget about everything.

My mind wonders for a long time until I fall asleep to Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green day.

We were in Kindergarten, playing with some sticky substance I think was some homemade putty. "You know, all the cool kids have nick-names." Hulk, or better known as Emma at the time, blurts. I nod a bit too over dramatically and smile, thinking of what I wanted to be called, remembering the night before when I had watched Tron with my dad. I smile formed on my face "I wanna' be Tron! He's so cool!" I squeak, Hulk smiled "Then I'll be Hulk! Grr!" she growled, sticking her arms out and flexing her muscles. 

We were in high-school now, I remember it being the last year there, Hulk and I running down the halls, trying to stay away from the bullies. Successfully making it to the girl's bathroom unharmed, I sit down on the window sill as Hulk makes sure non of her bruises were showing and touching up her makeup "I can't do this anymore." she sighs "My dad has been beating me for too long!" I look up at her, pitty in her eyes. Her dad would come home drunk almost every night, blaming Hulk that her mother died two years back in a car crash. "Are you going to run away?" I ask "Because if you are, I'm coming too, I can't take Alessa anymore, she's started to compare me to my sister, she's been getting drunk and a bit aggressive, like she wants to hit me, but doesn't... It scrares me..." I mumble "Where I'm running I don't want you to follow." I look at her, confused "O-okay..." 

Later that night I was crying in my room, bawling my eyes out. She'd tried drug overdose, she's sitting in the hospital, alone. There was no way for me to get to her, I couldn't go downstairs Alessa's down there...

I gasp and wake up, roll over and begin to cry harder, but still silently.

I was having another episode, I knew it, I'll be crying for hours now. I felt traped, unable to escape the pure reminder that the only person who's ever understood me is gone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O ________________________________ O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey guys! 

Wow, that was depressing! So if you don't know I have my eyes set on at least twenty chapters for this book, so I'm ging to find a way to end this soon, but never fear! I'll be writing a MCR/ Killjoy fic! Teaser's up now! :D

Hermescamper, OUT!

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